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Vivek Oberoi BREAKS SILENCE ON BEING A 'VICTIM OF LOBBYING' IN BOLLYWOOD: 'My films have been successful, but…'

Vivek Oberoi BREAKS SILENCE ON BEING A 'VICTIM OF LOBBYING' IN BOLLYWOOD: 'My films have been successful, but…'
Vivek Oberoi BREAKS SILENCE ON BEING A 'VICTIM OF LOBBYING' IN BOLLYWOOD: 'My films have been successful, but…'


The 2003 feud between Salman Khan and Vivek Oberoi remains one of the most talked about controversies in Bollywood.

The 2003 feud between Salman Khan and Vivek Oberoi remains one of the most talked about controversies in Bollywood.

Vivek Oberoi's career took a nosedive after he had a public spat with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and accused the latter of threatening him.

Vivek Oberoi, who was last seen in Rohit Shetty's web series Indian Police Force, has spoken openly about his entrepreneurial journey despite the success of his films like Masti franchise, Saathiya, Shootout at Lokhandwala and Omkara among others. In a recent interview, Vivek claimed that he stopped getting film offers due to lobbying in Bollywood.

He told India News, “I have been doing other businesses for quite some time now. There was a period in my life when my films were successful, my performances were appreciated, but for other reasons, if you don't get any roles at all, when you become a victim of a system and a lobby, you have only two options: either you get depressed or you take it as a challenge and write your own destiny. I chose the latter path and ended up starting several businesses.”

Vivek Oberoi's career took a nosedive after a public spat with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. In a press conference in 2003, Vivek had even accused Salman of threatening him, due to his relationship with Aishwarya Rai. After their alleged breakup, Aishwarya married Abhishek Bachchan in April 2007. They welcomed their daughter, Aaradhya, in November 2011.

Twenty years later, Vivek has recalled many useless things that discouraged him and left him jobless.

Looking back, I have experienced a lot of unnecessary things, he told Hindustan Times. Talking about lobbying and repressive stories in Bollywood, Vivek called it the dark sides of the industry and said he was on the receiving end of it.

Suresh Oberoi recently told Bollywood Hungama how Vivek fared during this time: “It was his strength that made him get through it. If anyone else could have done it, he would have become an alcoholic or maybe a drug addict. People were really against him. The media and people in the film industry, even actors, sometimes when people become successful very quickly, others can't handle it.”




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