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Can 'Fly Me to the Moon' Save Hollywood's Summer?

Can 'Fly Me to the Moon' Save Hollywood's Summer?
Can 'Fly Me to the Moon' Save Hollywood's Summer?


Unlike last year's giant summer, with “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” generating massive box office resurgences, Hollywood's summer of 2024 is most notable for its bleak start.

Halfway through Labor Day and the official end of the season, the question remains: Could next week's romantic comedy “Fly Me to the Moon” help save Hollywood's summer?

This season was marred from the start by last year's long strikes by actors and writers. This means that the number of releases is lower than usual.

Worse still, several summer movies have been disappointing and/or disastrous. From day one, it became clear that audiences had specific ideas about what they were willing to pay to see.

The action film Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, which grossed over $100 million, was a flop despite critical acclaim. So was The Fall Guy, another behind-the-scenes action film featuring a stuntman, played by Barbie star Ryan Gosling.

The list of May's most popular films is dominated by a film that features virtually no humans: “Rider of the Planet of the Apes.” This fourth installment in the rebooted franchise is also the film that generated the least revenue.

The family film “IF,” about a child's imaginary friend and starring Ryan Reynolds, also disappointed. “Apes” and the animated cat who stars in “The Garfield Movie” emerged as May's winners.

The resounding support for Will Smith's return with the June release of the sequel (and reunion with co-star Martin Lawrence) “Bad Boys: Ride or Die,” the fourth installment in the franchise, years later, was most welcome.

With its billions of dollars in worldwide revenue, the summer's most brilliant film is undoubtedly Pixar Disney's family delight “Inside Out 2.” A true blockbuster and a real comeback for the animation studio.

Now comes “Fly Me to the Moon,” a classic romantic comedy featuring two veterans, Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, who are aces at the kind of comedic jousts that, in films like these, must end in a cozy clinch.

“Moon” is set in Florida during the 1960s space race and follows the turbulent relationship between Tatum's NASA director, who is tasked with overseeing the first-ever manned moon landing, and Johansson's marketing specialist.

She must, in a perfect twist for our paranoid, conspiracy-addicted times, also stage a fake moon landing as a backup in case something goes seriously wrong with the Apollo mission.

“Moon” can only hope to repeat last winter's success, another romantic comedy: “Anyone But You,” which brought together two rising stars, Sydney Sweeney of TV hits “White Lotus” and “Euphoria” and the often shirtless Glen Powell of “Top Gun: Maverick.”

Although “Anyone” got off to a slow start, word of mouth and its emphasis on the steamy sexual attraction between its stars made it a surprise hit, grossing $220 million worldwide.

The kind of spice that Hollywood's summer sorely needs.

“Fly Me to the Moon” hits theaters July 12




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