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UK’s first offshore hydrogen production trial begins in South Wales

UK’s first offshore hydrogen production trial begins in South Wales
UK’s first offshore hydrogen production trial begins in South Wales


After six years of development, sustainability consultancy ERM has begun offshore trials to test its Dolphyn Hydrogen process, which combines electrolysis, seawater desalination and hydrogen production on a floating wind platform. This is the first time that hydrogen has been produced from seawater in a UK marine environment.

The trial, which will run until July 2024 at the Port of Pembroke in South Wales, is said to represent a significant step forward in enabling the UK to produce low-carbon hydrogen safely, reliably and at scale.

In ERM’s Dolphyn Hydrogen process, hydrogen is transported via pipeline to shore and can be used directly for power generation, transportation, industry and heating.

The development of the Dolphin Hydrogen Process was supported by the UK government’s Department for Energy Security and Net Zero through the £1 billion (US$1.2 billion) Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP) Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition. It has received more than £8 million (US$10.13 million) in funding to date and has also been championed by the devolved governments of Wales and Scotland.

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Steve Matthews, CEO of Dolphyn Hydrogen, said: Low-carbon hydrogen plays a critical role in supporting the energy transition, enhancing energy security and creating skilled green economy jobs. This Dolphyn Hydrogen trial represents a significant milestone in our journey to deploy affordable, low-carbon hydrogen at scale to help deliver a more sustainable future for all.

Six years ago, ERM had a vision of producing affordable, low-carbon hydrogen from floating wind at a scale that could help accelerate the transition to a net zero economy. We are delighted to see this vision become reality with the UK’s first offshore hydrogen production trial. We look forward to building on this momentum and helping to accelerate progress towards a low-carbon future,” added Tom Reichert, ERM Group CEO.

Learnings and performance data collected from the offshore hydrogen production test will be used to inform the design of a full-scale Dolphyn unit that will be deployed in multiple locations over the next several years.

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