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Quiz: Would You Pass These Civics Questions to Become a U.S. Citizen?

Quiz: Would You Pass These Civics Questions to Become a U.S. Citizen?


While the Fourth of July conjures up images of fireworks and parades, barbecues and bonfires, the United States has another Independence Day tradition: the naturalization of new citizens.

An estimated 11,000 people will celebrate the holiday this year by officially becoming U.S. citizens, double the number in 2023. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is holding 195 naturalization ceremonies around the world between June 28 and July 5 in honor of Independence Day. A handful of those ceremonies will be held at historic locations, meaning some will swear allegiance to George Washington’s Mount Vernon or Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello on July 4.

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Before participating in the ceremonies, all candidates for U.S. citizenship must pass a two-part test. The first part requires candidates to demonstrate an understanding of English. The second part is an oral exam of 10 civics questions chosen from a list of 100.

The Washington Post has developed 10 multiple-choice questions based on the list of 100 questions that USCIS provides as study material to help readers assess their performance. Candidates must answer six questions correctly to pass. Can you do it?

(United States National Archives)

Question 1 of 10Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

The Republican side of the House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)

Question 2 of 10How many voting members are there in the United States House of Representatives?

Cyclists carrying an American flag ride past the White House. (Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post)

Question 3 of 10What responsibility falls solely on U.S. citizens?

Susan B. Anthony. (Photographer: MPI/Getty Images)

Question 4 of 10What did Susan B. Anthony do?

He sewed the first American flag and founded the American Red Cross. Protesters march toward the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington in 1963. (The Washington Star)

Question 5 of 10What is a First Amendment right or freedom?

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Parade participants wave an oversized American flag. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

Question 6 of 10Why does the American flag have 13 stripes?

There were 13 original colonies. There are 13 branches of government. It represents the 13 original states. There were only 13 strips of cloth to use. The original Emancipation Proclamation on display in the rotunda of the National Archives in Washington. (Evan Vucci/AP)

Question 7 of 10What was the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Established the Bill of RightsDeclared independence from Great BritainFreed the slaves of the ConfederacyThe Constitution. (National Archives)

Question 8 of 10When was the Constitution written?

The Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4, 1776. (AP)

Question 9 of 10What two rights are mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?

Property and the Pursuit of HappinessFreedom and the Pursuit of HappinessOne of the longest rivers in the United States. (Rory Doyle for The Washington Post)

Question 10 of 10What are the two longest American rivers?

Mississippi River and Missouri RiverColorado River and Red RiverRio Grande and Hudson RiverYukon River and Ohio River

Jamie Stockwell contributed to this report.

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About this story

Edited by Tara McCarty. Designed and developed by Christian Font. Illustration by Alina Spatz. Photo proofread by Mark Miller.




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