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A Younger RB Room Headed to Florida Gators Football

A Younger RB Room Headed to Florida Gators Football
A Younger RB Room Headed to Florida Gators Football


The Florida alligators had two top running backs in the SEC a year ago. Now they have only one after the departure of a star running back Trevor Etienne.

Former Gator Trevor Etienne crossed the state line in December 2023 and teamed up with the Gators' rival, the Georgia Bulldogs.

This left the Gators with just one running back for the season. Montrell Johnson Jr. and a bunch of guys who have been tested very little in their careers thus far.

If the Gators want to outperform in previous years, the young talents will have to take a huge step forward and prove that they will not miss Etienne.

The star of the show

Montrell Johnson Jr will be the face of this position group. He is the most experienced and is one of the best running backs in the SEC next year.

Among returning SEC running backs, Johnson Jr. had the second-most rushing yards in 2023 with 817. The only player with more yards was Auburn's Jarquez Hunter (909).

Now that Etienne is gone, it's not such a crazy prediction that Johnson will surpass 1,000 yards rushing next year.

He will be relied upon more than in previous campaigns given the gap left by Etienne and his teammates, who are still early in their careers and need to earn more reps. However, it’s not always about the rushing attempts in Billy Napier’s offense.

Another aspect that Johnson brings is his physicality in pass protection. He doesn't back down when asked and can give his quarterback an extra second or two in the pocket, which can be crucial.

Johnson Jr. will need to have an even better season than his first two years in Gainesville if this Florida team wants to win games next season.

It may be a lot to ask of Johnson Jr., but it's something he's more than capable of.

Fresh faces in the room

He may not be a shiny new toy, but Treyaun Webb is still working his way up in the SEC. Webb has shown with his limited efforts that he has a bright future in the Orange & Blue.

In 26 rushing attempts, he totaled 163 yards. That works out to a healthy 6.3 yards per carry, up from Johnson's 5.4 in 2023.

Additionally, Webb had multiple games last year where he had 70 or more yards in a game. The most impressive came against McNeese in early September. In that game, he had 14 carries for 71 yards on the ground and also added two touchdowns.

After Webb, there are two fresh faces among the first-years Jadan Baugh And KD Daniels become a member of the Gator program from the 2024 class.

Baugh, a native of Atlanta, GA, looks more of a fighter than Daniels. He stands 6-foot-0.75 inches tall and weighs 237 pounds. He’s a towering figure who will have no trouble punishing his opponents and will also be a tailback who can block for his quarterback.

Additionally, Baugh rushed for 1,583 yards on 113 attempts and scored 19 touchdowns in his senior year of high school.

Baughs' freshman duo, KD Daniels, hail from West Point, Mississippi.

He may not be as big as Baugh, who arrived in Gainesville at 6-foot-1 and 190 pounds, but he was one of the most impressive recruits out of Mississippi last year.

Daniels was named MHSAA 5A Mr. Football after leading West Point to a 5A State Championship and was named MVP of the championship game. He rushed for 2,737 yards on 288 carries and 29 touchdowns his senior year of high school.

While they won't both be ball carriers in their first year with the Gators, they are expected to carry the ball for the entire season before one (or both) of them is likely to be inactive.

This position group has a lot of potential for the 2024-2025 season, but will have to perform. Otherwise, the attack will become one-dimensional like last year and will falter at the important moments.




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