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Field Hockey's Katie Redding Selected as NCAA Woman of the Year Nominee in Scranton

Field Hockey's Katie Redding Selected as NCAA Woman of the Year Nominee in Scranton
Field Hockey's Katie Redding Selected as NCAA Woman of the Year Nominee in Scranton


Senior forward Katie Redding (Havertown, Pa./Haverford), the only two-time All-American in the history of the Scranton field hockey program, has been nominated by the University of Scranton for the 2024 NCAA Woman of the Year.

Eligible female student-athletes are nominated by their member school. Each conference office then reviews the nominations from its core member schools (and sponsored sports) and submits its nominee(s) to the NCAA. Then, in October, the NCAA Woman of the Year Selection Committee identifies the Top 30 — 10 from each division — and selects three finalists from each division. The Committee on Women's Athletics then selects the winner from the nine finalists.

The 2024 NCAA Woman of the Year will be announced in January during the NCAA conference.

Redding is the second student-athlete in three years to be nominated by Scranton, following Allie Benadon in 2022.

In recent years, three nominees from Scranton have been selected as Landmark Conference nominees: Erica Licari (women's soccer, 2019), Becca Russo (women's lacrosse/soccer, 2020) and Teresa Hegarty (women's soccer, 2023).

“I am so pleased that Katie has been selected as the NCAA Woman of the Year nominee for The University of Scranton. Katie truly exemplifies what it means to be a Division III student-athlete and a University of Scranton Royal. Whether she is on the court or in the classroom, Katie is an inspiring leader who challenges herself to be the best she can be,” said head coach Colleen Moyer. “She is an exceptional student, an All-American athlete and a two-year captain. Her impact on our team and the community at The University of Scranton is extraordinary and it is an honor to serve as her coach.”

The Havertown, Pa., native has had a spectacular career with the Royals, earning NFHCA All-American honors in each of the last two seasons. Redding is the program's all-time leader in assists (24) and points (132) and ranks second in goals (54).

Redding has also been selected to the NFHCA All-Region three times and to the All-Landmark Conference three times. She was named the conference's Offensive Player of the Year in 2022 and 2023 and the 2021 Rookie of the Year.

Additionally, the two-time captain was named an NFHCA Senior All-Star and holds the program record for most assists in a single season with 11 assists during the 2021 campaign.

The Royals have posted an impressive 45-11 record with an .804 winning percentage over the past three years, including a Landmark Conference title in 2021 and an appearance in the NCAA Sweet 16.

In the classroom, Redding earned her Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Therapy from Scranton with a 3.42 GPA and was nominated to the Dean's List three times. She minored in Spanish and was inducted into the Alpha Mu Gamma World Languages ​​Honor Society this spring.

Redding volunteered for the Del Carmen Foundation and held a used equipment drive, donating all of the equipment collected to orphans in Venezuela who dream of one day becoming athletes. She also served as a teaching assistant in an Occupational Therapy program and has worked in the university’s Sports Information Office for the past two years.

Additionally, she worked as an interpreter for the Leahy Physical Therapy Clinic, which is run by University of Scranton students and provides physical therapy to uninsured and/or underinsured University Area residents.

The community service element is incorporated into several occupational therapy courses, with activities such as adapting toys for children with physical disabilities, visiting nursing homes, and planting flowers with veterans.

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