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Hina Khan's mother cries as actor cuts her hair to treat breast cancer: Video

Hina Khan's mother cries as actor cuts her hair to treat breast cancer: Video
Hina Khan's mother cries as actor cuts her hair to treat breast cancer: Video


Actress Hina Khan, who is battling stage 3 breast cancer, has shared a new video of herself cutting her hair. Taking to Instagram on Thursday, Hina posted the clip in which her mother can also be heard crying. Although emotional, Hina kept a smile on her face throughout the video. (Also Read | Samantha Ruth Prabhu Calls Hina Khan a Warrior After Cancer Diagnosis, See Her Response)

Hina Khan shared a new video on Instagram.
Hina Khan shared a new video on Instagram.

Hina cuts her hair very short

The video begins with Hina sitting in front of the mirror while her friend braids her hair. Next to the actress, her mother sits on the bed. She is heard crying while Hina consoles her and holds out her hand. The actor says, “Ro nahi (Don't cry) please mom. It's just hair, mom. Baal hain, aap nahi cut karte ho (It's hair, don't cut it)?” When her mother can't stop crying, Hina says, “Bas. Aapki tabiyat kharab hojayegi (Stop. You'll fall sick).”

Hina writes a long note

Hina cut the first braid of her hair and her friend cut the rest of her hair. In the video, Hina is seen with short hair. After her last look, her mother came in and hugged her. Hina also kissed her on the cheeks. Smiling, Hina said, “Not bad. I feel liberated.” Sharing the video, Hina wrote, “You can hear my mother’s wailing voice in Kashmiri (bless her) in the background as she prepares to witness something she never dared to imagine. We all have different tools at our disposal to deal with heartbreaking emotions.”

Hina says she chooses to win

“To all the beautiful people out there, especially women fighting for the same cause, I know it's tough, I know for most of us, our hair is the crown we never take off. But what if you're facing a battle so tough that you have to lose your hair, your pride, your crown? If you want to win, you have to make tough decisions. And I chose to win,” she added.

Hina wrote that she chose to cut her hair before it started falling out.

“I decided to give myself every chance to win this battle. I chose to let go of my beautiful hair before it started to fall out. I didn’t want to endure this mental breakdown for weeks. So I chose to let go of my crown because I realized that my real crown is my COURAGE, STRENGTH and the love I have for myself. Aur haan (Also)… I decided to use my own hair to make a beautiful wig for this phase. The hair will grow back, the eyebrows will come back, the scars will fade, but the spirit must remain whole,” she continued.

Hina asks her fans to pray for her

“I am recording my story, my journey, to make sure that my efforts to accept myself reach everyone. If my story can make even one day of this heartwarming but excruciating experience better for someone, it is worth it. May God ease our pain and give us the strength to be victorious. Please pray, pray for me,” Hina concluded.

Hina was diagnosed with cancer in June

A few days ago, Hina shared a video of herself heading to the hospital for her first chemotherapy session right after attending an award show. In the video, Hina is seen posing for the paparazzi on the red carpet and receiving an award at an event. Then, she was seen at the hospital for her chemotherapy. On June 28, Hina confirmed that she has been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.




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