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Screenwriter of some of Hollywood's biggest films dies at 89

Screenwriter of some of Hollywood's biggest films dies at 89
Screenwriter of some of Hollywood's biggest films dies at 89


NEW YORK Robert Towne, the Oscar-winning screenwriter behind some of Hollywood's greatest films, has died. He was 89.

His publicist, Carri McClure, confirmed his death on Tuesday at The New York Times without citing a cause. He died Monday surrounded by his family.

Towne won the Academy Award for Best Screenplay in 1975 for Chinatown, widely considered one of the greatest American films of all time. It ranks 21st Top 100 American Film Institutes.

His nomination for Chinatown came between nominations for two other films he wrote, The Last Detail in 1974 and Shampoo in 1976. His screenplay for Greystoke also earned him an Oscar nomination.

Towne also worked as an uncredited script doctor on Bonnie and Clyde (nominated for Best Picture in 1967) and The Godfather (winner of Best Picture in 1972). In 1997, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Writers Guild of America.

Towne was widely regarded as a master of writing dialogue, though he was less adept at meeting deadlines: He was known for delivering long, shapeless scripts well after their due date, the Times said.

He was a fascinating contradiction: in many ways idealistic, sentimental and highly talented; in others a staunch compromiser, a late bloomer, so insecure he could sometimes seem devious, film historian David Thomson told The Times.

For a time, Towne had a prestige comparable to that of the actors and directors he worked with, The Associated Press saidHe was friends with two of the biggest stars of the 1960s and 1970s, Warren Beatty and Jack Nicholson, who starred in some of his major films.

Towne managed to bring to the screen a very personal and influential vision of Los Angeles.

“It's such an illusory city,” Towne told The Associated Press in a 2006 interviewThis is the far west of America. It's a kind of place of last resort. It's a place where, in a word, people go to realize their dreams. And they're always disappointed.

Prior to his film success, Towne worked extensively in television, including The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and The Lloyd Bridges Show, and on low-budget films for B-movie producer Roger Corman.

His breakthrough, according to AP, is a show business classic.

His career took off in part because of his psychiatrist, through whom he met Beatty, a fellow patient. While Beatty was working on Bonnie and Clyde, he brought Towne in to revise Robert Benton and David Newman's screenplay and brought him in to film the film in Texas.

For years, he was a popular ghostwriter. In addition to his work on The Godfather, he had credits for several films, including The Parallax View and Heaven Can Wait. He described himself as a relief pitcher who could go an inning but not the whole game, AP said.




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