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Sydney's Fashion in 'The Bear' Hints at Season 4 Easter Eggs

Sydney's Fashion in 'The Bear' Hints at Season 4 Easter Eggs
Sydney's Fashion in 'The Bear' Hints at Season 4 Easter Eggs


In a series about the stressful workings of a kitchen, it's no surprise that fashion takes a back seat to the food. Most of the time, restaurant uniforms are pretty cute, uniform: crisp white shirts for the waiters in the dining room and crisp white coats for the chefs in the kitchen. The potential for personal style in this kind of environment has always been minimal. And yet, from the beginning The bearIn FX's dramedy about culinary prodigy Carmine Carmy Berzatto (Jeremy Allen White) and the Chicago restaurant he takes over, clothing has always played a pivotal role in its story. Since the show's debut, a lot there was a ruckus about Carmy's Perfect White T-Shirts and vintage selvedge denim (which he keeps in his oven, which is hilarious given the chef's role).

Not all characters' fashions are as flashy. In an interview about the show's second season, costume designer Courtney Wheeler said Squire that, for the most part, Sydney Adamu (Ayo Edebiri), the talented cook Carmy initially hires as a sous chef, wears whatever she can find. She gets that from her mother, Wheeler said of a Million Woman March T-shirt The character wears in one episode. That Bulls t-shirt? She probably found it in her dad's closet and kept wearing it. For characters like that, they just appropriate what they want. Sometimes there were glimmers of personality in Sydney's wardrobe, especially with her seemingly endless supply of colorful hair scarvesBut it never felt like Sydney cared too much about style outside of the kitchen. In the show's third appearance, however, Sydney experiences a style evolution of her own, and it fits perfectly with her journey throughout the season.

Courtesy of FX

Picking up shortly after the semi-disastrous soft launch of Friends and Family that capped the show's second season, The bearSydney's junior effort focuses primarily on the team's struggle to turn their small restaurant into a legitimate, thriving business. Sydney, always hyper-focused on her tasks, begins the season in her usual work attire; in the early episodes, she is rarely seen outside the kitchen, and when she is, she is dressed casually: T-shirts, jeans, oversized button-downs. Leaving work one morning, her father even notices that she has holes in her clothes. [her] sleeves.

It would be easy for her to remain in this aesthetic world as long as she felt comfortable in her role behind the scenes at The Bear. But as the season progresses, Carmy seems determined to make her question her position. Despite making Sydney a partner in his culinary venture, Carmy rarely treats her as such; he changes the menu, rearranges the furniture, and frequently makes executive decisions without ever considering her (or anyone else's) input. Rather than being a true equal, Sydney is, like everyone else, prey to Carmy's whims. If the first season was about Sydney seeking employment at The Bear (then called The Beef) out of admiration for a chef she had long idolized from afar, and the second season was about finding common ground with him, then the third season is about her seeking a … she is coming up against the limits of this arrangement.

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For Sydney, this season is a season of growth. It's about understanding what she needs from her business partners, harnessing her own power, and finally seeing what she wants (and wants). WHO) she can be without Carmy. This journey begins in episode 7 of the season when Sydney meets Adam Shapiro (played by Adam Shapiro, although he does not play himself), a chef at the three-Michelin-starred fine dining restaurant Ever, who was impressed by her scallop dish at Bear. He offers her a position as head chef at a new restaurant he is opening. The offer includes a stake in the partnership, a clear agreement, $80,000 to start, benefits, health insurance, medical, [and] The bonus after review is huge. While Carmy is busy changing Of the few dishes Sydney has managed to create, Adam tells her, plain and simple, that she has complete control over the menu.

But more than the offer, it is the outfit she wears to receive it: flowing and trendy black shorts, a short black jacket with a sailor collar, loafers and, to top it all off, a big bow to hold her hair back. The look is far removed from the vintage t-shirts that had become the staple of the characters, standing out for its high sophistication. It is something that presents itself to the public chief would wear, and one cannot help but wonder where This Sydney hid for the remainder of the show.

These questions were answered when Sydney returned to the Bear after her meeting, her brain racked with confusion over what to do next. When Carmy compliments her by saying, “You look beautiful,” she shyly thanks him, then grabs the bow to pull it out. Given that she’s back in the kitchen and getting ready to work, the gesture isn’t surprising. Still, there’s something about her movements that seems a little nervous and rushed, almost as if she feels compelled to shed these personality markers and shrink into this environment to better blend into the background. After all, the Bear has always been Carmy’s pet project, and despite their partnership, Carmy’s behavior is as clear a sign as any that she’ll likely always be relegated to the sidelines, forced to exist in his shadow. Is it possible that this other Sydney has been there forever, just waiting to break free?

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At the end of the season, it certainly seems that Yes. In Forever, Sydney prepares for a chic mourning party at Ever, which is now closing. The look is a sleek satin top with a matching skirt, accessorized with a funky silver necklace, pearl drop earrings and black pants. Ganni Bou Bag The braided handle is the most striking of all. It’s sleek, professional, and appropriate for the evening. It’s, again, a new aesthetic for her character, which is perhaps why, upon entering, Sydney looks a little stiff and somewhat out of place in this group of celebrity chefs. But as the night progresses, she gradually relaxes, eventually laughing, smiling, and swapping stories with everyone. This is a more relaxed, easygoing Sydney than we’ve ever seen in the kitchen. In this new environment, surrounded by these new people, it seems as if Sydney is allowed to flourish. And sitting there in this newly elevated ensemble, it’s easy to imagine what Sydney, Chef De Cuisine, might look like.

As Sydney bonds with this coterie of new friends, Carmy is even more in her own head than usual, spending most of the dinner obsessively watching David Fields (Joel McHale), the violent chef who has long been the bogeyman that haunts all of Carmy's restaurant-related thoughts. Although he didn't work for (or even seen) Chef David, over the years, has had a traumatic experience that keeps him up at night and causes him to change his restaurant and menu in capricious ways. It's also the reason he pushed away his love interest, Claire (Molly Gordon), and quite possibly the reason he might ultimately lose Sydney.

Courtesy of FX

At Sydney's impromptu party at her apartment, Carmy is the only no-show, but Ever's guests still gather with Sydney Bear's co-workers to dance, drink, and munch on frozen caviar waffles. The mood changes when Sydney comes across a newspaper clipping pinned to her refrigerator. It's a four-star review of The Beef, and after spotting it, Sydney becomes visibly upset, eventually excusing herself from the party so she can go outside, where she begins to breathe heavily before sliding to the floor in tears.

The show remains tight-lipped about what this news break means for the future, though it's likely a complicated mix of her love for the family she's built at The Bear and her fear of having to leave it all behind by accepting Adams' offer. East It seems like Sydney is having a panic attack, succumbing to some of the same issues Carmy has been battling since the show began. Despite her awareness of the toxic work environment created by Chef David, Carmy has still somehow managed to replicate that dynamic with her own celebrity protégé. Sydney may be dressed to the nines, but as long as she's tied to Carmy, she'll never feel like a perfect 10.

Courtesy of FX

The Season 3 finale, “To Be Continued,” leaves a lot of questions hanging: Will Carmy own up to his mistakes? Will Sydney stay at The Bear? Will there even be be a bear so she can stay there? (A very important restaurant review in the Chicago Tribune is out, though it remains to be seen whether it's good, bad, or a combination of both.) But whatever choice Sydney ends up making, I'm sure she'll have the outfit to do it right.

All seasons of The Bear are now available to stream on Hulu.




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