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Members of the University of Toronto community honoured with the Order of Canada

Members of the University of Toronto community honoured with the Order of Canada
Members of the University of Toronto community honoured with the Order of Canada


An innovator in the development of chemical catalysts. A world leader in cardiac surgery and care. And a public health expert who led the rollout of Canada’s first colon cancer screening program.

Here are some members of the University of Toronto community who have recently been honoured with appointments or promotions to the Order of Canada.

The Governor General recently announced 83 new appointments to the Order of Canada, including two promotions within the Order.

They understand Doug StephanA University professor of chemistry in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Lee ErrettProfessor at the Department of Surgery, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, and Linda Rabeneckhealth executive and professor at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

Created in 1967, the Order of Canada is one of the country's highest honours, recognizing extraordinary contributions in all sectors of society.

The Order of Canada recognizes individuals who have had a positive and lasting impact on communities here in Canada or who have brought honour to our country abroad, said the Governor General. Marie Simon said in a statement.

Here is a list of University of Toronto faculty, alumni and supporters who were appointed or promoted to the Order of Canada in the latest round of honours.

Current and Former Professors

Edward ColeA staff nephrologist at Toronto General Hospital and professor in the Department of Medicine at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, was named a Fellow of the College for his dedication to the advancement and care of people with kidney disease, his instrumental role in establishing a globally impactful kidney pairing program, and his leadership as former Physician-in-Chief of the University Health Network.

Lee ErrettProfessor in the Department of Surgery at Temerty School of Medicine, was named a Fellow of the Order for his transformative leadership in cardiac research and care, including his role in establishing St. Michaels Hospital as a world-class center for cardiac surgery, his dedication to training future medical leaders and providing care in underserved areas around the world.

Franklyn GriffithsGriffiths, professor emeritus and George Ignatieff Distinguished Chair in Peace and Conflict Studies in the Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Arts and Science, was named a member of the Order for his research on Russian affairs, which contributed to the Western world’s understanding of Soviet policy. An expert on international relations in the Arctic, Griffiths helped establish the Arctic Council and pushed for Indigenous voices to play a central role in the council’s operations.

Beverley Johnstoninternationally renowned percussionist and assistant professor in the Faculty of Music, was named an Officer of the Order for her work in developing and promoting Canadian music to audiences around the world. Working in a male-dominated field, Johnston’s unconventional performances combine classical transcriptions, contemporary music and an element of theatre.

Daphne MaurerProfessor Emeritus of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour at McMaster University, who holds a tenured appointment at the University of Toronto's Institute for Health Policy Management and Evaluation, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, has been named an Officer of the Order for her research on early childhood visual and cognitive development.

Linda Rabeneckgastroenterologist, health executive and professor in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, has been named a member of the College for her leadership in colorectal cancer screening and prevention. Formerly the director of the Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Toronto, she led the launch of ColonCancerCheck, Canada’s first provincial screening program.

Stephen Randallwho taught at the University of Toronto from 1971 to 1974, was named a member of the Order for his academic contributions and his advisory role in international relations. A professor emeritus at the University of Calgary, Randalls' expertise on a multitude of issues affecting the United States and Latin America, including Colombia, has influenced Canadian foreign policy.

Bibudendra SarkarSenior Distinguished Scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biochemistry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, was named a Member of the Order for his achievements in advancing medical research in Canada and abroad. He discovered a new treatment for patients with Menkes disease, a rare genetic disorder, and led international efforts in South and Southeast Asia to respond to public health crises caused by contaminated groundwater.

Jonathan Scott RoseProfessor in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, was named a Fellow of the Order for his pioneering work in the architecture and software used in programmable gate arrays. Rose served as chair of the department from 2004 to 2009 and received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto in 1986.

Doug StephanA University professor A professor in the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Arts and Science, he was named an Officer of the Order in recognition of his pioneering research in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His many accomplishments include the discovery and commercialization of a new class of catalysts that is now used in one of the world's largest chemical manufacturing facilities. He also gained worldwide recognition for founding the field of frustrated Lewis pair chemistry.

Former students and friends

Magician David BenA 1983 graduate of University College, he was inducted into the Order for his four decades of dedication to the exploration, development and preservation of magic, including writing several books on the subject and co-founding the organization Magicana.

William Foxresearcher and assistant professor at Trent University, who received his Bachelor of Arts with distinction and his Master of Arts in archaeology from the University of Toronto, was named a member of the Order for his distinguished contributions to Canadian archaeology, his leadership in the Archaeological Society of Ontario and his ongoing advocacy for the involvement of Indigenous communities in the preservation of their material heritage.

Friendly Marthawho founded the Child Care Research and Resource Unit at the University of Toronto's Centre for Urban and Community Studies in the early 1980s, was named an Officer of the Order for her work with the now independent non-profit organization and for her advocacy for accessible, publicly funded early childhood education and care, and for women's equality.

Rosemary Ganleywriter, activist, teacher and alumna of St. Michaels College, was appointed to the Order for her long-standing advocacy for human rights, gender equality and social justice, including co-founding Jamaican Self Help, an organization of Canadians working to support the development of healthy Jamaican communities.

Arnie Gelbartmember of the Chancellors' Circle of Benefactors, was named a member of the Order for his decades-long leadership in independent film and television in his role as founder, executive producer and CEO of Galafilm Productions Inc.

James David Meekisonwhose 45-year career spans investment banking, cable television and private equity, was named a member of the Order for his significant philanthropy. The Jim Meekison and Carolyn Keystone Foundation supported the University of Toronto’s Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy’s efforts to launch Discovery Pharmacy on the St. George campus.

Michel Perleya University of Toronto graduate with a master's degree in French language and literature, was named a member of the Order for his lifelong dedication to addressing environmental and health issues. He has advocated for stronger tobacco control laws, reduced exposure to second-hand smoke, and led coalitions on acid rain and air pollution.

Dan Poenarupediatric surgeon and professor at McGill University who earned two degrees from the University of Toronto, was named a member of the Order for his contributions to pediatric surgery in Africa, including establishing a surgical unit and training program in Kenya, co-founding three medical schools and leading initiatives for pediatric surgery globally.

Vaira Vike-Freiberga Victoria College alumna and the first woman to serve as President of Latvia, was named an Honorary Officer of the Order for her work in enriching Canada-Latvia relations and for reflecting Canadian values ​​abroad.

with files from Mariam Matti and Rahul Kalvapalle




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