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ISED Invests $120 Million in CMC Microsystems Semiconductor Network Buildout

ISED Invests 0 Million in CMC Microsystems Semiconductor Network Buildout


The FABrIC Network aims to provide resources to advance semiconductor innovation in Canada.

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Canada's Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED), announced a $120 million investment in CMC Microsystems to build a network to support Canada's semiconductor industry.

ISED's strategic investment in FABrIC will enable Canadian innovators to be competitive in the global semiconductor industry. – CMC CEO Gordon Harling

The investment, made through the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF), will support the creation of CMC's Manufacturing of Integrated Components for the Internet Edge (FABrIC) network. FABrIC will work in conjunction with CMC's partners across Canada, aiming to bring together stakeholders who can support the design, manufacturing and commercialization of semiconductor and intelligent sensor technologies.

FABrIC will provide resources to Canadian entrepreneurs and researchers to advance semiconductor innovation, products and manufacturing processes in Canada, CMC president and CEO Gordon Harling said in a statement.

“Canada is home to world-class semiconductor talent and manufacturing capabilities, and ISED's strategic investment in FABrIC will position Canadian innovators to be competitive in the global semiconductor industry,” said Harling.

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According to impact goals listed on the FABrICs website, the five-year, $223 million project aims to support the creation of 75 new companies, 215 intellectual property applications and the training of 25,000 top academic talent.

FABrIC is expected to emerge from startups with prototypes that can help them raise capital from private investors and secure orders from customers, The Logic reported. FABrIC will also provide up to $10 million to projects developing new technologies in specific hardware areas and fully fund academic labs, The Logic reported.

Founded in 1984, CMC aims to support research and innovation in technologies such as microelectronics, photonics, microelectromechanical systems, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and quantum software and hardware.

Last year, semiconductor industry experts and organizations, including CMC, formed SILICAN, a new lobbying group to support Canada's semiconductor industry. In October 2023, as part of its first policy report, SILICAN called on the federal government to provide targeted support for domestic chips.

In April, the federal government awarded IBM $46 million from the SIF to invest in operating a semiconductor assembly plant in Bromont, Quebec.

Feature image courtesy of Unsplash. Photo by Jonas Svidras.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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