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In meeting with PM Modi, Chandrababu Naidu to seek benefits under AP Act 2014, not special status | Political Pulse News

In meeting with PM Modi, Chandrababu Naidu to seek benefits under AP Act 2014, not special status | Political Pulse News
In meeting with PM Modi, Chandrababu Naidu to seek benefits under AP Act 2014, not special status | Political Pulse News


Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and TDP supremo N Chandrababu Naidu is scheduled to brief Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several senior cabinet ministers on the debt crisis gripping his state. Naidu, who will be in Delhi for a few days, will also seek central financial assistance based on promises made in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014.

As per the currently available figures, the total debt of Andhra Pradesh, under the previous YSRCP government led by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, had increased by 67 per cent to Rs 4,42,442 crore as of March 2023-end. The gross fiscal deficit of the state, estimated at Rs 55,817.50 crore as of March 31, 2024, had seen a 57 per cent increase from Rs 35,441 crore in 2018-19.

However, TDP sources said that the debts incurred by the state are higher than the estimates currently available. Basically, the state is under the burden of debt and we need help from the central government, a TDP leader said. The Indian Express.

Accusing the Jagan government of accumulating debts in the last five years, the leader added, “Five years ago, we handed over the state to the YSRCP government and they accumulated debts without increasing their revenue.”

Prior to the YSRCP government, the TDP was in power in the state between 2014 and 2019. In 2019, the YSRCP won the elections and formed the government. The TDP returned to power in the recent elections with a landslide majority. The party, with its 16 MPs in the Lok Sabha, has also emerged as a major ally of the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre.

Festive offer

Naidu will meet Prime Minister Modi on Thursday morning and seek financial assistance for the state, a source said. He will also meet Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. During his meeting with Sitharaman, he will present a report on the Polavaram irrigation project, development of the Amaravati capital and the financial situation of the state, a senior TDP source said. Another TDP leader who will accompany Naidu on these visits said he will meet and greet almost all the cabinet ministers of the Union government.

Special Category Status (SCS) for Andhra Pradesh, however, is not in Naidu's wish list, several party sources told The Indian Express. Since states like Odisha and Bihar have also demanded SCS, the TDP feels it would be better to ask for special financial packages for the state rather than SCS, they said. Our election campaign mainly promised financial packages for the state and not SCS, a TDP leader said.

It will be easier for the TDP to get special schemes for the state as the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014, which was framed when Telangana state was carved out of Andhra Pradesh, has provisions to get special schemes for Andhra. The Act states that the Central government may make appropriate grants and ensure that adequate benefits and incentives in the form of special development schemes are given to the deprived areas of the (successor) state (of Andhra Pradesh). The Act also specifies that the Central government shall provide adequate incentives to the deprived areas of Rayalaseema and North Coast of the state.

The Act also states that the Centre will provide special financial support for the creation of critical infrastructure in the new capital of the successor state of AP, including Raj Bhawan, High Court, Government Secretariat, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council and other critical infrastructure. Schedule 13 of the Act also promises national institutions of higher education, industrial corridors and expansion of airports.

We will get what is due and pending for the state of Andhra Pradesh, a TDP source said.




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