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About Us: Transforming Education Through Dedication, Innovation and Technology

About Us: Transforming Education Through Dedication, Innovation and Technology


For more than a decade, Kenilworth Science and Technology Academy has been a pioneer of educational excellence in Baton Rouge, providing a high-quality, STEM-focused curriculum to historically underserved families. Founded in 2009, Kenilworth is one of the longest-standing charter schools in the area and is dedicated to preparing students for the ever-changing demands of the modern world.

Kenilworth's philosophy is to inspire a passion for learning and ensure students are well-prepared for real-world challenges. Although the school has deep roots in STEM education, it emphasizes a holistic approach, recognizing that education is about developing the whole child, not just academic achievement.

The school serves more than 90% low-income and minority students. Kenilworth understands the importance of tailoring its approach to meet the unique needs of its community. By providing equal opportunities for girls and boys and fostering a family-like sense of community, Kenilworth creates an environment where all students feel valued and can succeed.

Implementing a robust STEM program for historically underserved families comes with challenges. But Kenilworth has proactively addressed these obstacles by providing hands-on experiences, connecting students with role models in STEM fields, and organizing events like a STEM expo and math and coding olympiads. By giving students opportunities and experiences that resonate with their backgrounds, Kenilworth instills confidence and inspires them to pursue careers in STEM fields.

Ron Janiel Nelly Bruce, a graduate of Kenilworth Academy of Science and Technology, is grateful to her teachers for instilling limitless possibilities and fostering a supportive environment. Kenilworth's nurturing atmosphere shaped Bruce's path to success as she participated in an after-school program supporting underserved students. Now working for a technology company in New York City, Bruce hopes to utilize the skills she honed at Kenilworth and further her education. Her journey epitomizes the transformative impact of community-driven education, and she was recognized by Tulane University as a Newman Civic Fellow.

From hosting STEM camps and coding clubs to partnering with organizations like LSU, Code Ninjas and 100 Black Men-Metropolitan, Kenilworth ensures STEM opportunities are open to all. Kenilworth's STEM curriculum is designed to be culturally sensitive and relevant to its diverse student population. The school prioritizes hands-on experiences and innovative teaching methods, like a space balloon launch and a robotics fair, to make learning fun and engaging for all.

With a dedicated staff including Principal Hazel Regis Buckles, Director of Academic and Programs Erkan Akhundov, and Executive Director Hasan Suzuk, Kenilworth continues to transform education through dedication, innovation and technology. Looking to the future, Kenilworth plans to expand its offerings to include high school education, providing students with a seamless K-12 educational experience. Enrollment for the next school year closes at the end of July, with students from across Louisiana joining the Kenilworth family.

Kenilworth Science and Technology Academy remains committed to its mission of providing STEM education to all, transforming lives and developing tomorrow's leaders. With a tradition of excellence, Kenilworth remains a proud choice for parents seeking a quality education for their children in Baton Rouge.

For more information or to register, visit the Kenilworths website now and join the journey towards a brighter STEM-enabled future for all.

Contact: 8716 Siegen Ln | Baton Rouge | (225) 766-8111 |




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