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Downtown Orlando clothing boutique has decades of experience dressing beauty pageant winners

Downtown Orlando clothing boutique has decades of experience dressing beauty pageant winners
Downtown Orlando clothing boutique has decades of experience dressing beauty pageant winners


ORLANDO, Florida If you've watched the Miss America or Miss USA pageants on television, you've undoubtedly seen gowns designed in Orlando's 32801 zip code.

The boutique is owned by Carry ONeal and David Lang. News 6's Julie Broughton stopped by the Thornton Park boutique to chat with the couple about their success, which includes dressing six Miss America winners and nearly half of the contestants in the Miss America pageant earlier this year.

Broughton asked Lang if he thought people would be surprised to learn that a beauty pageant powerhouse is right here in Orlando.

“Ninety-eight percent of the people within a two-mile radius have no idea what they’ve seen here. And I know that because I see the look on their face when they look in the door or in the window and they see what they see,” Lang said. “What we do is we’re unique in that we’re a pageant store. A lot of stores sell wedding dresses, prom dresses, pageant dresses or mother of the bride dresses and things like that. We have several stores here in Central Florida that do that. We just do pageants, and that’s it. And what’s different about pageants is really the way they’re made, and the fact that we have one of every dress in the store. You can’t come in here and look through a dress and buy multiple sizes. There’s only one, usually a lot of them are custom made for the store. So they’re one-of-a-kind.”

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O'Neal opened Regalia in 1989. At the time, he was the director of the Miss Winter Park pageant and had to travel out of state to purchase dresses for its winners.

“When they were doing Miss Winter Park, they saw a need. They were wondering where to buy a dress? Where to buy beautiful dresses? So they thought there was a need for a store like that and a unique store. And that’s where Regalia was born,” he said.

Most of Regalia’s custom dresses are designed by O’Neal. He works full-time at the shop. Lang is a flight attendant, which O’Neal says helps her find inspiration for the designs.

“I’m lucky. Because of what David does, we travel a lot. For years, architecture has influenced me a lot, like old designs or baroque patterns and so on. But I love old movies and I love old design work. So I can take some of those concepts and evolve them into the future. So we change the model enough to make it more relevant today,” he said.

Lang and O'Neal say trust and relationship building are the backbone of their success.

What people really like about us is, if you look ugly in a dress, I don’t want you to wear it,” Lang said. “Girls come in and say, ‘These are my colors.’ We’re like, ‘OK, that’s great. But let’s try everything. Let’s fall in love with something because I can love a dress all day long. But if you don’t like it, you’re not going to win. You’re not going to feel good about it.”

Broughton asked O'Neal what's next for Regalia.

I would love to pass the baton one day. Find someone who has the same passion for this program that we do, maybe has a little bit of design talent, but maybe just a passion for the program, who would be willing to continue what we're doing. That would be my dream. Just sit back and watch the program continue.

To learn more about Regalia Magnificent Apparel, visit them online by clicking here.

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