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Imran Khan, Genelia DSouza and Karan Makhija sing Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na in a special video as the film turns 16. Watch | Bollywood News

Imran Khan, Genelia DSouza and Karan Makhija sing Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na in a special video as the film turns 16. Watch | Bollywood News
Imran Khan, Genelia DSouza and Karan Makhija sing Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na in a special video as the film turns 16. Watch | Bollywood News


Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na turned 16 on July 4 and what better way to celebrate the occasion than to bring the cast together to sing the song Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na from Manmohan Desai’s 1973 romantic film Aa Gale Lag Jaa, which makes a huge reference in the 2008 film. On Thursday, the cast reunited via a video to celebrate the film’s relevance even after 16 years. The cult romantic comedy marked Imran Khan’s debut.

Aamir Khan Productions shared the video on their official social media handles with the caption, “16 years and we still sing this song for everyone we love,” followed by a heart emoji. While the video shows the lead actors of the film singing the same song in sync, it seems that they recorded songs separately which were later compiled together to make a cohesive whole.

While Jai, played by Imran Khan, takes the lead by lying down on a beach, Aditi aka Genelia D'Souza follows. The video also features Meghna aka Manjari Fadnis, followed by the other three members of the gang who appear. Others featured in the video are Jiggy aka Nirav Mehta, Bombs aka Alishka Varde, and Rotlu aka Karan Makhija.

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The video ends with CSF inspector Murli (played by Murali Sharma) coming in and saying with a smile, “Agli baar ye gaana gaaya na toh goli maar dunga (I will shoot you next time you sing this song).” This is one of the most iconic dialogues in the film. This is what the police officer says to Jai when he sings the same song to propose to her at the airport, at the climax of the film.

Directed by Abbas Tyrewala, the film received positive reviews and became a major commercial success at the box office. Produced by Imran Khan's uncle Mansoor and Aamir Khan, the film's music was composed by Oscar-winning composer A. R. Rahman. The film, which was reportedly made on a budget of Rs 15 million, grossed over Rs 84 million at the box office.

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