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Jenna Bush Hager Tells Hoda Kotb To Free Her Boobs After Dress Accident

Jenna Bush Hager Tells Hoda Kotb To Free Her Boobs After Dress Accident
Jenna Bush Hager Tells Hoda Kotb To Free Her Boobs After Dress Accident


Jenna Bush Hager help Hoda Kotb laughing at a wardrobe accident during TodayJuly 4th episode.

Kotb, 59, began playing with her red dress behind the anchor's desk, admitting she felt like everything was “dragging” during Thursday's episode of Today with Hoda and Jenna.

“The bra doesn’t fit. The outfit doesn’t fit. The bra is too big, the straps are too small. I can’t do it. You know when you wear a dress, you shouldn’t wear it,” Kotb said.

As her malfunction occurred in front of millions of viewers, Kotb explained her clothing situation in very relevant terms.

“You know, when you’re like, ‘This is all wrong. This is not right.’ But you know what, I decided to do it,” she continued. “Have you ever gone to a party and said, ‘This is all right.’ And then you spend the whole night pulling and shoving and pushing? That’s not right.”

Bush Hager, 42, understood her co-host's point of view, sympathizing with her about having “too much cleavage” that she doesn't “like,” which Kotb acknowledged: “I don't want it. I don't want it, it's too much.”

When Kotb was nervous about “falling out” of her dress, Bush Hager joked that she should just take her bra off altogether.

“Are you ever going to free your breasts?” Bush Hager asked Kotb, who insisted it was a resounding no.

Bush Hager took the subject further, continuing: “Free your boobs, Hoda. It's time… At this point in your life, when you're almost 60, to free your boobs. Let's free them. Do you want me to take your bra off for you?”

Kotb assured Bush Hager without hesitation that the answer would always be no, even when her co-host told her she could unhook her bra “really quickly and slide it through” her dress.

Bush Hager has joined Today in 2009, officially taking over Kathie Lee Gifford during the fourth hour after his retirement in 2019.

Family album of today's anchor Hoda Kotb with her daughters, mother Sameha Kotb and relatives Photos 793

Related: Today Host Hoda Kotb's Adorable Photos With Her Kids

Hoda Kotb has often spoken about how her loved ones have defined her life, particularly her daughters, Haley and Hope. The Today host became a mother when she adopted her children in 2017 and 2019, respectively, with her then-partner Joel Schiffman. The former couple got engaged after six years of dating in 2019 […]

Bush Hager's comments about Kotb's bra probably didn't come as a surprise to her co-host, as Kotb said she noticed Bush Hager's authenticity when they first met. In April, the two women discussed their first impressions of each other during their “Spilling The E-Tea” segment.

“I thought you were super excited. You were a little scared, which I liked,” Kotb recalled. “But what I remember most about you that day — and every day since — is that you are 100 percent yourself. You are 100 percent yourself on day one and you are 100 percent yourself times five years.”




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