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Actor Danny Trejo fights man who allegedly threw water balloon at him during LA 4th of July parade

Actor Danny Trejo fights man who allegedly threw water balloon at him during LA 4th of July parade
Actor Danny Trejo fights man who allegedly threw water balloon at him during LA 4th of July parade


Don't mess with Machete!

Actor Danny Trejo punched a Fourth of July parade participant who allegedly threw a water balloon at the Machete stars' vintage convertible, sparking a massive brawl along the parade route in Los Angeles.

The Southern California attack occurred during Thursday's Independence Day parade in the Sunland-Tujunga neighborhood of Los Angeles, according to ABC 7 Los Angeles.

The 80-year-old actor was stopped along the parade route in his sky blue Corvette when a water balloon was thrown at the windshield, video obtained by the outlet shows.

Trejo, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and black pants, jumped out of the classic car and punched the man suspected of throwing the water balloon.

However, the Spy Kids actors miss the man wearing a tank top and backwards hat, and Trejo is pushed onto the sidewalk.

It was not immediately clear who else was inside Trejo's car, but video shows two small children being pulled from the vehicle.

A large fight then broke out between the suspect and other people who jumped into the chaos.

The fight took place during the Independence Day parade in the Sunland-Tujunga neighborhood of Los Angeles. FOX 11 Los Angeles
Trejo jumped out of the classic car and punched the man suspected of throwing the water balloon. FOX 11 Los Angeles

The alleged water balloon thrower threw several punches at a second man before others attacked him as the fight moved onto the sidewalk where spectators were watching the parade.

In the video, Trejo is seen getting up from the ground, grabbing a green folding chair and throwing it at the rowdy brawlers.

A woman then rushes behind the actor and restrains him before others come to help subdue him.

During the madness, parade participants can be heard begging the actor and the brawlers to stop because children are around.

A large fight then broke out between the suspect and other people who jumped into the chaos. James Spishak / Facebook
A woman then rushes behind the actor and restrains him before others come to help subdue him. James Spishak / Facebook

The melee, which lasted about 30 seconds, was eventually broken up by passers-by.

Police said they received a report of a fight along the parade route, but the crowd dispersed when officers arrived, according to TMZ.

No one was arrested.

Trejo told TMZ that the water balloon thrown at his Corvette was childish and that the people who threw it at him were cowards.

The media outlet reported that those accused of launching the balloons were around 30 years old.

Trejo is originally from Echo Park in Los Angeles. Getty Images
Trejo in a still from the 2007 film “Machete.” Weinstein Company/Courtesy of the Everett Collection

The 80-year-old actress said she was not injured in the altercation.

The fight comes just days after the Los Angeles native announcement the death of his 16-year-old chihuahua, Dixie.

Trejo, who has spoken openly about his past drug addiction and his time in the notoriously dangerous San Quentin State Prison, got sober in 1968 and was released from prison the following year before beginning his decades-long acting career.

Since landing his first acting role in Runaway Train in 1985, Trejo has appeared in more than 400 films and television shows, according to the stars. IMDb Page.




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