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The House of the Dragon actor has already starred in a spicy gay TV drama

The House of the Dragon actor has already starred in a spicy gay TV drama
The House of the Dragon actor has already starred in a spicy gay TV drama


Freddie Fox as Ser Gwayne Hightower in House of the Dragon (left) and as Freddie Baxter in Cucumber (right).

As viewers see actor Freddie Fox strolling the streets of Westeros as Ser Gwayne Hightower in The Dragon HouseThey may not remember that he had starring roles in two of Russell T Davies' gayest dramas.

British stage and screen star Fox, 35, currently plays Ser Gwayne Hightower in Game Of Thrones spin off The Dragon Househaving been chosen for season 2 last year.

Ser Gwayne is the arrogant son of Ser Otto (Rhys Ifans) and brother to Queen Alicent (Olivia Cooke), and fans have watched the first three episodes of the season as his involvement in the plot has continued to grow.

But long before that, he was at Davies Cucumber and banana playing another arrogant, bisexual character, Freddie Baxter. He later starred as himself in the show's sister educational series, Tofu.

Baxter was known for his nihilistic, party-loving lifestyle and penchant for casual sex, after being kicked out of college. Queer fans of the show (and let's be honest, the vast majority of fans of the show were queer) got to see a lot of Freddie, a LOT: he spent most of his time naked and kissing men.

Cucumber And Banana only aired for one season each in 2015, and, unfortunately, Fox's character in The Dragon House is not as dashing. Boo!

Fox also starred in a hit gay drama film Pride in 2014, alongside Baby reindeerwith Jessica Gunning, and played Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's son Mark in The crownNext year, fans will see him appear with trans people Laid star Indya Moore in The Sandmanwhere he would play Loki.

It seems he has had many more roles than his cousin, Reclaim Party founder Laurence Fox.

When previously asked about his own sexuality, he was understandably reluctant to define it. In 2015, he said He has “had girlfriends, but I wouldn't want to say that I am this or that, because at some point in my life I might fall in love with a man.”

He hopes to “fall in love with another person, as opposed to a gender.”

Asked about the quote in 2020, Fox said He believes that “sexually fulfilled” actors have an “advantage” in the industry.

“Being able to say you have a fuller experience as a human being, whether that's through sexuality or otherwise, is now seen as a real advantage,” he told the Telegraph.

The Dragon House Season 2 is currently causing a sensation thanks to its third episode, in which Saline Star Ewan Mitchell appeared completely naked.

The Dragon House Season two is available to stream on Max, Sky and Now, with new episodes released weekly.




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