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Whoopi Goldberg to Receive Key to the City of West Hollywood at The Woods WeHo

Whoopi Goldberg to Receive Key to the City of West Hollywood at The Woods WeHo
Whoopi Goldberg to Receive Key to the City of West Hollywood at The Woods WeHo


EGOT winner and veteran host of ViewWhoopi Goldberg (born Caryn Elaine Johnson), will receive the The key to the city of West Hollywood in recognition of her continued support of the LGBTQIA+ community and for having the first woman-owned, tested and branded cannabis brand in California.

A red carpet event will take place at The Woods WeHo, 8271 Santa Monica Boulevard, on July 20, 2024, from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The actual program will begin at approximately 1:30 PM, featuring West Hollywood Mayor John M. Erickson, Vice Mayor Chelsea Beyers, and additional guests to be announced.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that Whoopi Goldberg is set to expand her cannabis business later this month, officially launching two new brands under her WhoopFam umbrella: Emma & Clyde and a revamped Whoopi & Maya line.

Emma & Clyde, named after Goldberg’s late mother and brother, will be available in select stores in California, Arizona and Ohio. Originally launching in 2022 with a limited release in Arizona, the brand offers products for both medical and recreational users, including edibles, pre-rolls, flower and accessories.

Goldberg’s second brand, Whoopi & Maya, launched in 2016 and shuttered less than four years later, returns with a focus on menstrual relief, general pain relief, and holistic wellness. The line includes cacao edibles, tinctures, topicals, and hydrotherapy products.

Goldberg rarely travels to Los Angeles, so while she's in town to promote her new cannabis brands, the City of West Hollywood, in partnership with cannabis travel and tourism board Emerald City West Hollywood, will honor the star with a key to the city.

The ceremony is an open and paid event. Cannabis consumption will be permitted.

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About The Woods WeHo:

Founded by actor and activist Woody Harrelson, comedian Bill Maher, ERBA co-founders Devon Wheeler and Jay Handal, renowned interior designer and The Woods Creative Director Thomas Schoos, and Schoos Design CEO Michael Berman, The Woods offers luxurious design and an unmatched customer service experience. With a focus on premium, organic, sun-grown California cannabis, they are an inaugural landmark in West Hollywood’s emerging Emerald Village. Situated amidst high-end restaurants, entertainment centers and shopping destinations, the expansive retail space boasts an environmentally elegant and Zen-inspired design.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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