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What’s next for Mallet London?

What’s next for Mallet London?
What’s next for Mallet London?


Mallet London has kicked off 2024 with a brand new look and feel. Today, co-founder Evren Ozka shares an update on the Drapers Footwear Awards-winning sneaker brand’s new strategy, expansion and next steps.

Winning our second consecutive Drapers Footwear Award this year was an incredible achievement for us.

Last year we won the Team of the Year award, a fitting tribute to the engine room that powers Mallet London. This year we won the Footwear Marketing Campaign of the Year award, where we were up against some incredible nominees. It was a truly special night for me and the team after all the hard work that went into our collaboration with Reebok.

This year has started off with a bang for us here at Mallet. [In February, we unveiled] an extremely successful collaboration with [lifestyle consumer products company] The Smiley Company, followed by the recent launch of our pre-AW24 collection, which we are very excited about.

We also just launched a brand new logo, which you will see on all new styles coming soon and represents the evolution of the brand. New forward thinking products with an incredible team working hard day and night behind the scenes to make it happen. New logo, new silhouettes, same mission. This is our most progressive collection yet, it’s the one we’re most proud of and have worked the hardest to achieve. We’ve pushed the boundaries of what we thought was possible for us as a brand and we have so much more to show everyone this year that we can’t wait to tell you about.

Mallet's new logo

We believe this collection is revolutionary. It really starts with the Compton and Jupiter styles, which are two styles that are in uncharted territory for us. Our goal was to expand our offering and give every consumer an option when they shop with us.

Then we have the Lite Pack, which I think the team is most excited about internally. The Lite Pack is actually a 20% lighter version of our previous fan-favourite models: the Popham, Diver and GRFTR. We know we have a mix of customers who like slightly heavier shoes, but we’ve now created a range so people can wear their favourite trainers in their everyday lives. I think the Lite Pack is for day wear, while the traditional Popham, GRFTR and Divers are for night wear. We want to cater for everyone and every occasion.

The first half of 2024 has flown by, to be completely honest. I can’t praise the team enough for the hard work they’ve put into every style we’ve created. Even if you look at our social channels now, we’re on a completely new path and it’s all about elevation. We now feel like we’re a brand that can cater to everyone, not just in the UK but around the world. [which is why] We have just launched our in-store and online business in one of the largest and most reputable wholesale accounts in the world, Turkish luxury department store chain Beymen, and we have big plans for Turkey.

What's next? There's a huge collaboration coming out in late 2024 that we know our consumers are going to be really excited about, but I can't tell you that yet. Before that, we have a collection coming out late this summer with a style that's once again a fan favorite, that's all I can say about that.

Finally, I would like to thank Drapers for all their support and the judges for making our team very happy by awarding us the Footwear Marketing Campaign of the Year 2024 award. It makes all the long hours and hard nights worth it.

GRFTR mallet




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