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Kendrick Lamar unveils the video for his title “Not Like Us” against Drake

Kendrick Lamar unveils the video for his title “Not Like Us” against Drake
Kendrick Lamar unveils the video for his title “Not Like Us” against Drake


Lamar Celebrates His Hometown, Takes Aim at Drake in New Music Video

Kendrick Lamar celebrates the 4th of July by releasing the highly anticipated music video for his Drake-bashing track, “Not Like Us.”

The video is packed with cameos, including one from Tommy the Clown, who also made an appearance at his recent Pop Out concert in Inglewood. The Compton rapper also uses the visual to celebrate his hometown, dancing with producer DJ Mustard (who is, not coincidentally, wearing a Toronto Blue Jays cap) and gathering fans at places like City Hall and Tam's Burgers. Even Lamar's fiancée Whitney Alford and their two children appear in the video.

In an obvious nod to Drake, the clip is heavy on owl imagery, with Lamar punching an owl-shaped piñata while a disclaimer appears on the screen stating, “No OVHoes were harmed in the making of this video.” Later, Lamar stands with a live owl perched on his arm, and the final shot shows an owl in a cage.

The video was reportedly shot just days after the rapper’s Juneteenth concert, during which he performed “Not Like Us” five times. “You won’t let nobody disrespect the West Coast, huh?” Lamar asked the crowd before repeating the song over and over again, each rendition of the song gaining in fervor.

The war between Lamar and Drake had been raging for months, but seemed to be slowing down in recent weeks, until this video was released. Since Lamar took aim at Drake with his verse on Future and Metro Boomin’s “Like That” in March, the Compton and Canadian rappers have traded dozens of verses. In May, Rolling Stone declared Lamar the ultimate victor, noting that “overall, Lamar’s punches have hit harder.”




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