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Style Watch: Actress Shima Anuar dresses comfortably and classily

Style Watch: Actress Shima Anuar dresses comfortably and classily
Style Watch: Actress Shima Anuar dresses comfortably and classily


Mother of three, influencer and actress Shima Anuar is always on the go.

Whether it’s running around with her kids, running errands, attending events or engaging in marketing and social media with clients, the 33-year-old Selangor native has her hands full.

Due to her busy lifestyle, she reserves her over-the-top outfits for special occasions, as most of the time she dresses to be comfortable, but she never goes out of style.

“Over the years, I’ve perfected my style,” Shima says. “I would describe it as clean and simple, with a touch of elegance and definitely comfortable.”

When she's not working with brands as an ambassador, she enjoys cooking three meals a day for her family and doing Pilates.

“Exercise relaxes me and helps me stay calm throughout the day,” says Shima, who has taken a short break from acting since giving birth to her third child. She is currently working with brands that fit her lifestyle, such as baby products.

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What is your favorite look?

In my daily life, I like to dress comfortably because I am always on the move. This consists of chic jeans and usually a white shirt, especially when I am running errands with my children.

What are your three must-have style/beauty items?

Fashion-wise, a pair of comfortable shoes, whether sneakers or flats, a trendy suit for special occasions, and an understated luxury bag, a well-designed bag made from high-quality materials, designed to have a classic and timeless look.

It's the kind of bag that's versatile and durable, complements a wide range of looks and has a design that's relevant throughout the seasons.

It may cost a little more than other luxury bags, but the idea is that this bag will last you for years, so look for brands that have a good track record for quality, longevity, and durability.

Beauty-wise, my essentials are compact powder, lip balm and spray perfume for extra freshness.

What trends would you most like to see disappear?

It depends on personal style, but I would say first of all, in general, trends are difficult to follow for various reasons.

This could be due to body shape, clothes not being suitable for the climate of the country you live in, cultural reasons (acceptance of particular styles or cuts), etc.

Second, any trends that are uncomfortable, whether a garment doesn't fit or hang properly, is too tight, rolls up or bunches up or doesn't stay in place, just be comfortable!

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Who do you consider a style icon and why?

When it comes to local celebrities, former TV presenter Marion Caunter and actress Scha Alyahya are definitely the fashion icons.

Internationally, it is actress, producer and director Angelina Jolie, who is opening a new business with Atelier Jolie, a place to reuse and repair clothes, as well as making them in a sustainable but also elegant way.

What are the three key pieces everyone should have in their wardrobe? A comfortable pair of jeans, well-fitting t-shirts and, just as importantly, a timeless coat for traveling.




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