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UK election results: 6 key things to know this morning

UK election results: 6 key things to know this morning
UK election results: 6 key things to know this morning


Keir Starmer's Labour appears to have won a landslide victory, leaving the Conservatives at a crossroads.


Labour leader Keir Starmer will be asked today (July 5) to form a government and appoint ministers after his party's biggest election victory in history.

Here are six things you need to know about the night that brought about a transformation, not a bloodbath, in British politics. So far, eight cabinet ministers have lost their jobs.

1. Voters wanted change and won a historic victory.

The centre-left Labour Party won across the country, more than doubling its number of MPs and securing a majority similar to that achieved by Tony Blair in 1997.

Starmer has reclaimed the “red wall” of left-wing heartlands in northern England that Boris Johnson won back in the 2019 election.

According to a BBC forecast released at around 3:30am local time, the Conservatives are likely to win just 154 seats in 2019, less than half of their total number of seats.

It comes after a string of defeats in traditional heartlands such as the shires surrounding London. Finchley, Margaret Thatcher's former seat, now has a Labour MP.

Voters have sent a clear signal after five years of British politics that have seen multiple scandals and multiple resignations, including two prime ministers (Johnson and Liz Truss).

Apart from Boris’s pre-election promise to “get Brexit done”, the constant turnover of senior figures has meant few policy developments have been helpful.

Westminster Energy has been more focused on scandal and deception than on improving the cost of living or healthcare.

In his victory speech, Starmer contrasted Johnson's theatricality with his own calm style, calling for an “end to performance politics and a return to politics as public service”.

He is now in a unique position to do something about it. There are few constitutional checks on the leader who controls the House of Commons in the British political system, and even less so after Brexit.

Voters seem to want the change Starmer has promised. The question is whether Labour can deliver, given its own intrigues and internal wars.

2. High profile head roll

The Conservatives lost hundreds of MPs and many senior politicians lost their jobs.

Many current and former Cabinet ministers took part, including Robert Buckland, Penny Mordaunt, Grant Shapps, Gillian Keegan and Johnny Mercer.

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a Brexiteer and Johnson supporter who has become notorious for his relaxed approach to the prospect of leaving the EU without a deal. He lost his Somerset seat in 2019 despite having a majority of more than 14,000.

Jeremy Hunt retained his South West Surrey seat with a majority of less than 1,000 votes, narrowly avoiding becoming the first sitting finance minister to lose a seat.

The most notable of the murdered Conservative MPs was Liz Truss, who served as prime minister for just 49 days – less than the lifespan of a lettuce – before losing her South West Norfolk seat to Labour.

Among the celebrities who have avoided the election drama is former Prime Minister Theresa May, who will now be appointed to the House of Lords, according to media reports on Thursday evening.


The expression “sinking ship” alone does not convey the exact meaning.

By one measure, the survival rate for Conservative MPs tonight was about 41%. As political science professors Philip Cowley and Matthew Bailey have pointed out, that's slightly worse than the prospects for second-class passengers on the Titanic, who survived by 42%.

3. Beyond the headlines, there were many other winners and losers.

Even in a two-party system, there is more to report than just the eye-popping numbers.

The Scottish National Party appears to have lost its monopoly on Westminster politics north of the border. According to the BBC’s projections, it could be down to just six MPs after winning 48 of Scotland’s 59 seats in 2019. This follows a series of scandals, including the fall of Nicola Sturgeon, and a shake-up in the party’s leadership.

The Liberal Democrats, who formed a coalition government from 2010 to 2015 and then all but collapsed, are expected to rise from just 11 seats to 56 in 2019, which would see the Centre Party return to its original role as the third-largest force in Westminster.


In his early-morning victory speech, Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey said voters were left feeling “frustrated, taken for granted and desperate for change” as they waited long hours for ambulances and GPs, and rivers were littered with sewage.

Another big winner on the night was Nigel Farage, the right-wing populist who led the Brexit-pushing UK Independence Party.

His right-wing Reform Party could win four seats, including Parry's, and would also have a significant impact in turning around the Conservative voter base in seats such as Darlington, where the party lost support.

Meanwhile, former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who was ousted over an anti-Semitism scandal, successfully stood as an independent in the north London constituency he has represented since the 1980s.

Even as a Labour MP, he was often rebellious and would likely be a vulnerable figure for Starmer if he does not reconcile.

Advertisement 4. The British political system can be brutal

Britain is perhaps unique in Europe in having a first-come, first-served system of electing its parliament in a single round, meaning whoever gets the most votes wins.

Many people point out that this system is unfair to smaller parties such as the Reform Party and the Greens, who get a lot of votes but no seats.

But if voters are prepared to vote strategically, the Westminster system can deliver radical, if not brutal, results.

5. The Brexit Revolution Ate Their Children

This was the first general election in the UK since the country formally left the EU.

Brexit has often been described as a revolution, and as Pierre Berniot points out, revolutions tend to devour their children.


The Conservatives who led the Brexit campaign – Johnson, Rees-Mogg and Michael Gove – have all resigned from the House of Commons, while Sunnack’s famous departure appears to have been fatally wounded.

There will be no 180-degree turnaround on policy. Starmer backed Remain but ruled out rejoining the EU single market or customs union.

But free from the constraints of Brussels, he now has to make a number of crucial decisions about Britain's economic model and its place in the world.

It is he, not the people who engineered Brexit, who will take over.

6. Conservatives face some difficult choices.

The Conservative Party, Britain's ruling party for the past 200 years, may have suffered a historic defeat on a scale not seen since 1832 and now stands at a crossroads.


Former cabinet minister Robert Buckland has proposed a forward-looking plan after losing his seat to Labour by a wide margin.

Buckland told the BBC he was “tired of performance art politics” and the party needed to “get back to the spirit of doing good work”.

Another senior Conservative MP who lost tonight, Penny Mordaunt, called for a return to the

“Renewal cannot be achieved by talking to our own diminishing parts, but by being guided by the people of this country. Our values ​​must be theirs,” she said.

But there are other options available.


In France, centre-right parties are at odds over whether to form an alliance with the far-right National Rally.

The same situation could apply to the British Conservative Party, which is facing electoral pressure from the Reform Party.

There is no telling who will be the next Conservative leader, and with just over 150 candidates to choose from, there will be difficult dilemmas to resolve.




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