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Top 10 promises from the Technology Manifesto

Top 10 promises from the Technology Manifesto


Labour won a landslide victory in the 2024 general election, with Sir Keir Starmer leading the party to victory.

At the time of writing, Labour is set to secure at least 412 seats in the new Parliament, while Rishi Sunak's Conservative party is set to lose hundreds of seats. Sunak has already conceded defeat in the election.

With Starmer coming into power today, TechInformed examines the technology policy promised in Labour's election-winning manifesto, published before the election.

To read the manifesto pledges of all the major parties in the run up to the 2024 UK election, check out our breakdown of the 10 tech pledges.

Digital Infrastructure

Develop a 10-year infrastructure strategy to strengthen digital infrastructure, with benefits for mobile and broadband networks, AI and data centres Relax planning restrictions for data centres and designate major projects as projects of national importance to streamline the approval process Strengthen the technology and digital sector through a new industrial strategy to restart the economy Overcome previous planning obstacles and support the building of data centres on brownfield sites.

Broadband and 5G

We will deliver new initiatives to achieve our goal of full penetration and nationwide rollout of gigabit 5G by 2030. We will work with Ofcom to encourage greater infrastructure sharing and collaboration between network operators. We will support the Project Gigabit Broadband Rollout Programme launched by the current Government. We will address the delays to the rollout of gigabit broadband under the Conservative Government.

Innovation and Regulation

We will establish a new Regulatory Innovation Office to help regulators update regulations and accelerate approval timelines for new technologies. We will establish an Industrial Strategy Council to advise businesses and help them harness new technologies. We will modernise national planning policy to encourage the build-out of labs, digital infrastructure and gigafactories. We will work with industry to seise opportunities and remove barriers to growth.


Tackle tax evasion by modernising HMRC, increasing registration and reporting requirements and strengthening HMRC's powers Support the implementation of the OECD's global minimum rate of corporation tax to ensure multinational tech companies pay their fair share Invest in new technology to build capacity within HMRC Focus on tax reform to create a level playing field between large corporates and online giants.

AI (regulation/investment)

Give AI safety laboratories a legal basis and introduce binding regulations for companies developing powerful AI models; Prohibit the creation of sexually explicit deepfakes and ensure safe AI development through comprehensive legislation; Support the development of the AI ​​sector through an industrial strategy; Introduce legislation to regulate AI companies and ensure ethical AI practices.

An AIPRM poll found that almost half of Britons would have voted for AI over Rishi Sunak.


Introduce our own version of the Data Protection and Digital Information (DPDI) Bill, with a focus on innovation and data sharing in open banking and smart data schemes; Consider further measures to keep everyone safe online, particularly on social media, and expand anti-fraud measures to tackle online threats; Establish a National Data Library to support data-driven public services while maintaining strong protections; Build on existing Online Safety Act and strengthen online protections for all users.


Conduct a Strategic Defence Review within the first year to tackle cyber attacks and misinformation campaigns Modernise policing methods to meet the latest threats and integrate new technologies into law enforcement Develop a comprehensive cyber defence strategy to protect critical infrastructure Ensure the UK is fully prepared to tackle hybrid warfare, including cyber attacks.

Public institution

Using AI to improve public services, build a more efficient public sector and standardise approaches to procurement and IT Modernising HMRC and tackling tax avoidance by investing in new technology and capabilities Greater integration of digital technology to streamline government operations and enhance service delivery Supporting the development of data-driven public services through the National Data Library initiative.

National Health Service

Leverage AI to transform the speed and accuracy of diagnostic services, potentially saving thousands of lives Further develop NHS apps to help patients better manage their health and digitise children's health records Harness the data and life sciences revolution to transform healthcare delivery Invest in technology to enhance patient care and streamline NHS processes.

Energy and Climate Change

We aim to make the UK a clean energy powerhouse with zero carbon electricity by 2030. We create Great British Energy, a public enterprise to pool investments in cutting edge technology and support local energy production. We will inject $8.3 billion into Great British Energy in the next Parliament. We will encourage the development of new onshore wind projects and nuclear plants.

For more TechInformed coverage of tech-related elections around the world, see here.




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