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Mizzou Football Recruiting: A Big Weekend Awaits

Mizzou Football Recruiting: A Big Weekend Awaits
Mizzou Football Recruiting: A Big Weekend Awaits


Happy Holidays everyone!

As an annual reminder, please don’t be Jason Pierre-Paul this year when you get together with friends and family. It would also be good to remind your children and other small, young people that grills are indeed hot and should not be touched. I recently failed to do so and ended up with a burned, screaming child. They are fine, but needed to be calmed down with some private TV time.

But enough about me! And enough about you!

While we all take some time off this weekend to celebrate the 4th of July holiday, Eli Drinkwitz will undoubtedly be very busy. There are several major commitments coming up this coming week that could create another top-tier recruiting class for Drink and the Tigers. Here’s a quick rundown of each upcoming commitment and what it would mean for the program.

July 4: Jayvan Boggs

Former Ohio State commit Boggs has long been on Missouri’s radar, and the Tigers have long been seen as the favorite to get his services. He’ll kick off the Fourth of July weekend by committing later today. All signs point to him joining the good guys.

What it would mean: Mizzou’s crown jewel of the 2025 class, QB Matt Zollers, has been vocal about his efforts to recruit elite playmakers to join him in Columbia. After all, what good is a five-star QB if he has no one to throw to? Boggs would be the No. 2 receiver of the 2025 class and the second four-star playmaker to join Jamarion Morrow.

July 5: Donovan Olugbode

Olugbode, a native of Naperville, Il., honed his skills at IMG Academy and is ready to announce his destination on a real heavyweight roster. He will announce it tomorrow afternoon on a live show hosted by 247Sports. Chad Simmons of On3 Sports recently made a prediction for Olugbode to Mizzou, making the Tigers the favorite in the clubhouse.

What it would mean: Acquiring Boggs would be huge; acquiring Olugbode the next day would be huge. The Tigers missed out on local product Corey Simms last week, but could quickly rebound by beating out Florida and USC for Olugbode, who is widely considered a Top 100 prospect. Again, it would be a huge boon for Drinkwitz and Zollers, who will have a wealth of playmakers joining them in the 2025 class. Olugbode is arguably the most college-ready receiver the Tigers have recruited since Luther Burden III.

July 6: Keiton Jones

Jones, a three-star offensive line prospect, is expected to commit later this weekend, according to reporting from PowerMizzou on Twitter. Jones is rated particularly highly by On3, which has him ranked 222nd overall in the 2025 class. Kansas State and Arkansas are also hot on his heels.

What it would mean: Jones would be a big addition, literally and figuratively, to a recruiting class that already features Jack Lange and Henry Fenuku, two four-star prospects in their own right. And while those two may have higher consensus ratings than Jones, he brings something you can't teach: size. Jones would also help Drinkwitz solidify the Mizzou's recruiting ground in the state of Kansas.

July 10: Charles Bass

After originally announcing a July 1 commitment date, East St. Louis cornerback Charles Bass pushed his decision back to July 10. It’s hard to read the minds of high school players, so we shouldn’t read too much into that decision. It should be noted, however, that Mizzou has long been the heavy favorite to take Bass, with Illinois hot on their heels. Maybe Bass needed another week to make his decision? Maybe a last-minute NIL offer came in and he wanted to talk things over with other coaches? Well, we’ll see next Wednesday.

What it would mean: Bass would be the third defensive back to commit to the Tigers in this class and represents another opportunity to sign a top-tier local talent. The pipeline from East St. Louis to Mizzou has been strong over the past decade, so it makes perfect sense for Bass to continue that legacy, especially since the Tigers recently sent two cornerbacks to the NFL.




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