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Rain doesn't stop July 4th celebrations | News | The Villages Daily Sun

Rain doesn't stop July 4th celebrations | News | The Villages Daily Sun
Rain doesn't stop July 4th celebrations | News | The Villages Daily Sun


Despite sweltering heat and stormy skies, local Independence Day celebrants proved once again that when it comes to red, white and blue, these colours don't run.

Residents of The Villages and surrounding areas braved the elements this week to attend the countless patriotic shows and events happening around the area. From barbecues to the All American Brews and Cruise, to watermelon eating contests and rodeos, to fireworks and shows reminiscent of the good old days, there were plenty of ways to celebrate this Independence Day.

Veterans Memorial Park

For most Americans today, the Fourth of July is a day of music, fireworks, and fun. For others, like those who attend the annual Independence Day celebration at Veterans Memorial Park in The Villages, it remains a day of both solemn remembrance and joyous thanksgiving.

Nearly 100 people gathered to watch members of The Villages' various veterans groups, including the Marine Corps League Chapter 1267 Honor Guard and the Veterans Memorial Park Honor Guard, pay tribute to their fellow service men and women and their country.

The roll of drums could be heard all around as the color guard unfurled the colors and Sue Roper, U.S. Navy veteran and Veterans Memorial Park chairwoman, announced the guest speaker, U.S. Marine Corps veteran Reggie Nealy.

Nealy is a Vietnam War veteran and was awarded the Purple Heart. Today, Nealy serves his community as a member of the Marine Corps League Chapter 1267 and the Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 795.

“When we party this afternoon and have a picnic, I want you to at least keep in mind why you’re doing it, and maybe share with someone why you love being in this country,” Nealy said. “I really believe that if you can find the purpose and the motivation within yourself, then I think the stars and stripes on that flag will seem a little brighter, and I also think the height of the flag will seem a little higher.”

All American Beers and Cruises

After the morning salute at Veterans Memorial Park, many residents headed to Lake Sumter Landing for the annual All American Brews and Cruise event.

Rising heat indexes and torrential rain forced many activities and entertainment planned for earlier in the afternoon, such as the Lake Sumter Line scenic cruise and the Ronnie Dee and The Superstars concert, to be postponed or canceled, but guests still had the opportunity to enjoy live entertainment, market vendors, food trucks and American-branded cars.

“We went to visit our grandparents,” said Aiden Lee, 8. “We came to see the cars.”

Aiden and his sister Mackenzie, 5, got the chance to climb into Ron Tuturice’s red 1965 Ford Mustang 2+2 with white racing stripes. The St. Johns resident told them all about the make and model of the car and what it would be like to drive it.

The action continued until about 6 p.m., when rain forced the plaza's festival-goers and performers to take shelter. Still, many remained in tents, including Lyndy Devereux of Bridgeport Village in Mission Hills and Melissa Janicke of Poinciana Village.

Devereux is part of the Best Buddies International program, which creates mentoring and employment opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They had a great time at the event, Janicke said, and wanted to commemorate the occasion with a photo. Happy Fourth of July, she said as she left.

Wild forest

On Wednesday, the city of Wildwood hosted its Happy Birthday America celebration that included live music by Clark Barrios, carnival games, a climbing wall and more at the Wildwood Community Center.

Courtney Kellem, Wildwoods Parks and Recreation Director, said this year's festivities were bigger and better than previous years.

“We listened to feedback from our community and made some changes that I think will be appreciated. We have more vendors, lots of entertainment and more dining options,” Kellem said.

The kids had fun all night seeing how high they could climb the climbing wall or how long they could survive riding the mechanical bull provided by the nonprofit Off R Rocker.

The festivities got more exciting when people went head-to-head, or belly-to-belly, with the first-ever Wildwoods Festive Pie Eating Contest featuring flavors ranging from coconut cream, key lime and chocolate silk.

“I was really sick with a minute left,” said Delaney Atkinson of Ocala, who won the youth pie-eating contest.

Then, six adult contestants competed to see who could eat the most pie in under three minutes.

Duval Village resident Ed Eastwood said he participated for the silly fun of it.

Eastwood said he was undefeated in pie eating contests with a record of 1-0.

As everyone gathered on the park grounds, on blankets and chairs, the fireworks concluded the night's exciting festivities.

Lake of the Lady

The week of celebrations kicked off Saturday in Lady Lake, which hosted its second annual Independence Day party.

“We are excited to kick off a festive summer season on the Saturday before July 4,” said Elisha Pappacoda, Lady Lake’s director of communications.

This year's event included watermelon eating contests, food trucks and a kids' zone, complete with a mechanical bull ride, foam pit, bounce houses and more.

Even though Mother Nature tried to cast a dark cloud over the event and caused a brief hiatus, guests did not let the weather dampen their patriotic spirit.

The watermelon eating contest began with youngsters competing in the messy competition. A row of watermelons was placed in front of boys and girls lined up with their hands behind their backs. Competitors dove head first into the fruit to see how many they could eat to win the top prize, a $50 gift card.

“I felt a little sick at the end, but I won $50,” said Dylan Emilee, a Lady Lake resident who won the contest and the prize.

Paulette Raudseep and Lynn Stange, both Lady Lake residents and members of the Orange Blossom Gardens Lions Club, volunteered during the event. They felt the day was an overall success, with a wide variety of vendors and a stunning fireworks display.

How to put it into words, Raudseep said. It was better than last year.

Senior Editor Taylor Strickland can be reached at 352-753-1119, ext. 5334, or [email protected]. Managing Editor Brea Jones can be reached at 352-753-1119, ext. 5414, or [email protected].




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