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Kendrick Lamar releases Not Like Us video, takes aim at Drake

Kendrick Lamar releases Not Like Us video, takes aim at Drake
Kendrick Lamar releases Not Like Us video, takes aim at Drake


Kendrick Lamar's lap of honor continues.

The Compton rapper finally released the music video for “Not Like Us,” his now-legendary take on Drake, on Thursday. The video, which comes after Lamar performed the song six times in a row during his joyous “The Pop Out” concert last month, could be described as the crowning achievement of Lamar’s definitive victory over Drake in the feud between the two rappers that has dominated pop culture for much of this year.

The video features several references to Drake and his label OVO, and shows Lamar celebrating with West Coast hip-hop luminaries, while also containing several subtle and not-so-subtle references to the feud.

Directed by Lamar and Dave Free, the video features several appearances from West Coast luminaries, including “Not Like Us” producer Mustard, who also wears a Toronto Blue Jays cap in one of the more obvious jabs at Drake. Also featured are Tommy the Clown, Compton-born NBA star (and former Toronto Raptors player) DeMar DeRozan, and Top Dog Entertainment CEO Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith.

The video begins with the rapper doing push-ups on cinder blocks in a room that Tommy the Clown enters. The scene is a reference to Drake's “Push Ups,” upon the release of which Drake referenced a photo of Lamar doing push-ups.

It also features Lamar's girlfriend Whitney Alford and their two children. Drake's song “Family Matters” claims that Free fathered one of Lamar's children with Alford. In a very clear shot of Drake, Alford, Lamar and the children are seen dancing together in the video.

The video contains several visual references to owls, the bird associated with Drake's OVO brand. It includes images of an owl perched on Lamar's arm, images of an owl in a cage, and a scene where Lamar smashes an owl-shaped piñata, while a disclaimer appears on the screen stating “no OVHoes were harmed in the making of this video.” The video also contains several references to locations, including Tam's Burgers and the Compton Courthouse.

The Drake-Kendrick Lamar feud took the world by storm in May, with each musician releasing multiple diss tracks toward the other. Each song, as Shaheem Reid of The Hollywood Reporter wrote, had more “excellence, meanness, and ingenious battle zone strategy” than the last. Many believe Lamar won the feud—”Not Like Us” is statistically the most popular song, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100—with the sure-to-go-viral music video as the cherry on top.




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