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The United States celebrates July 4th, but independence from Britain is celebrated around the world. Here's a look at how different countries celebrate their independence and when.

The United States celebrates July 4th, but independence from Britain is celebrated around the world. Here's a look at how different countries celebrate their independence and when.
The United States celebrates July 4th, but independence from Britain is celebrated around the world. Here's a look at how different countries celebrate their independence and when.


On July 4, the United States celebrates its independence from Britain with fireworks, barbecues, shopping and, for about 70 million citizens this year, travel.

The United States celebrates its independence on the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress in 1776. But the United States is not the only country celebrating its independence from Great Britain. A large portion of the world's population (about a fifth of the world's population, according to the Guinness Book of World Records) was subject to Great Britain before 1914.

Spectators watch fireworks over the National Mall on Independence Day, July 4, 2023, in Washington, D.C. Minh Connors/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Some countries do not celebrate their independence from the United Kingdom, but dedicate a day to celebrating their creation. Others celebrate their independence in the same way as the United States, on the day the country officially declared or gained independence from the United Kingdom.

Here's when and how several former British colonies celebrate their freedoms.

A kite flies on India's Independence Day

India celebrates its independence on August 15, marking the end of 200 years of British rule in 1947 – when the Indian Independence Act split British India into India and Pakistan – and its rise to become the world's largest democracy.

The prime minister begins the day by hoisting the country's flag at the Red Fort in Old Delhi, marking the anniversary of the first time the modern flag was officially hoisted in the country.

People fly kites during celebrations marking India's Independence Day in New Delhi, on August 15, 2023. ARUN SANKAR/AFP via Getty Images

After the flag is raised, a parade is held, but most families celebrate the day by flying kites. Indians used to fly kites as a form of protest. In 1927, slogans were written on kites to mock the Simon Commission, a group appointed by the British Conservative government to report on the functioning of the young Indian constitution. Since then, kites have been seen as an integral part of the protest, and the freedom that comes with it.

As Independence Day is one of the three major national holidays, many people take time off and gather in the streets, beaches and other places to fly kites of different colors.

Shatki Desai, 9, marches with her family during the Indian Independence Day parade at Nay Aug Park. Aimee Dilger via Getty Images Bahamas Celebrates Independence with Junkanoo

Independence Day in the Bahamas is celebrated annually on July 10. After 300 years of British rule, the Bahamas became a fully independent nation in 1973.

Bahamians begin their festivities 8 to 10 days before July 10, marking this historic event with numerous cultural activities and events. The most famous celebration is the Junkanoo, a lively Bahamian street parade featuring music, dancing, and elaborate costumes.

A Bahamian artist from Junkanoo / Getty Images

While the exact origins of Junkanoo are unknown, a popular belief is that these traditions evolved from the days of slavery and represent Bahamian culture today, according to There is also a Junkanoo parade on Boxing Day.

Australian independence marks the arrival of convicts

Australians celebrate Australia Day every year on 26 January. The day is not linked to independence from Britain, but rather marks the day the first convict transport ships arrived from the United Kingdom.

It is the only Commonwealth public holiday celebrating the date of physical settlement, rather than the date of the country's independence or another significant day.

Members of the Hewitt family pose on the forecourt during Australia Day Live 2024 at the Sydney Opera House on January 26, 2024 in Sydney, Australia. Don Arnold via Getty

Many Australians celebrate the summer holidays by hosting barbecues. Australians also pay tribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who have inhabited the country for 65,000 years, according to the Australia Day Council.

It's also a day when many new citizens graduate: the country welcomed more than 22,000 new Australians in 2024, according to the Australian Department of Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs.

More information on CBS News

Cara Tabachnick




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