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Turkish President Recep Erdogan to attend Euro 2024 quarter-final against Netherlands amid rising tensions with hosts Germany after Merih Demiral's 'forbidden gesture' linked to far-right group

Turkish President Recep Erdogan to attend Euro 2024 quarter-final against Netherlands amid rising tensions with hosts Germany after Merih Demiral's 'forbidden gesture' linked to far-right group
Turkish President Recep Erdogan to attend Euro 2024 quarter-final against Netherlands amid rising tensions with hosts Germany after Merih Demiral's 'forbidden gesture' linked to far-right group


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Turkey's nationalist president will attend the Euro quarter-final on Saturday amid a growing diplomatic row between the country and hosts Germany over one of its players performing an extremist wolf salute during their last-16 win over Austria.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has changed his schedule to attend the match against the Netherlands in Berlin, escalating the diplomatic row between the two countries, over Turkish defender Merih Demirals who formed a wolf's head shape with his fingers after scoring in the 1-0 win in Leipzig.

The move is linked to the Grey Wolves, an ultra-nationalist youth wing of the Turkish Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), an ally of Erdogan's AK Party.

UEFA immediately opened an investigation into Demiral's alleged inappropriate behaviour and German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser tweeted criticism. She said: “Symbols of the Turkish far right have no place in our stadiums. Using the Euro as a platform for racism is completely unacceptable. We expect UEFA to consider sanctions.”

Turkey, whose relations with Germany have already been strained by Erdogan's nationalist stance toward the country's huge Turkish immigrant population, was furious at Faesar's remarks.

Turkish nationalist President Recep Tayip Erdogan has changed his schedule to attend the match against the Netherlands in Berlin

Turkey defender Merih Demiral is under investigation by UEFA and could be suspended for allegedly making a gesture linked to the far-right Grey Wolves group.

Turkey defender Merih Demiral is under investigation by UEFA and could be suspended for allegedly making a gesture linked to the far-right Grey Wolves group.

Germany summoned the German ambassador to Turkey on Wednesday to demand an explanation. Berlin responded by summoning the German ambassador to its capital Ankara. Germany and Turkey could still meet in the final of the Berlin tournament.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said the German authorities' approach to Demiral implied xenophobia and that the UEFA investigation was unacceptable.

He defended Demiral's gesture as a historical and cultural symbol, which was not aimed at anyone when it was celebrated.

Founded in the 1960s, the Grey Wolves were involved in political violence between leftists and nationalists in Turkey that left 5,000 dead in a 1980 coup. The group is banned in France and its symbol is banned in Austria.

Although the wolf salute is not banned in Germany, the group is under surveillance, according to the interior minister.

During a visit to Germany ahead of the 2018 World Cup, Erdogan controversially told Cologne's Turkish community to stay away from German society and that their children should be able to study in Turkish-language schools and at a Turkish university.

German players Ilkay Gundogan and Mesut Ozil have been criticised by the German Football Association for posing for photos with Erdogan during his visit.

Turks are Germany's largest ethnic minority, but they often struggle to be accepted in Cologne

Turks are Germany's largest ethnic minority, but they often struggle to be accepted in Cologne

Mesut Ozil left the national team in 2018, saying:

Mesut Ozil left the national team in 2018, saying: “I am German when we win, but an immigrant when we lose.”

Several Turkish media sources said Erdogan had changed his schedule to attend the quarter-final against the Netherlands.

Many Turks, among the seven million Germans living in Turkey, are dreaming of a final against Germany. “I hope Germany and Turkey play in the final and Turkey wins,” one told Mail Sport last week.




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