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Warsaw Celebrates Freedom | Daily Gate City – Keokuk, Iowa

Warsaw Celebrates Freedom | Daily Gate City – Keokuk, Iowa
Warsaw Celebrates Freedom | Daily Gate City – Keokuk, Iowa


Warsaw continues to celebrate history, people and each other with gatherings designed to showcase individual talents and creativity and the genuine joy of community. The attention to detail, artistry and sense of fun that characterized the last two Freedom Fest celebrations will certainly continue at the third edition of the festival this Saturday, July 6.

The Warsaw Chamber of Commerce is pleased to welcome the community and surrounding residents to Freedom Fest. With the goal of beautifying Main Street, local artist and Chamber member Jane Roskamp started the new Main Street Committee and has quickly demonstrated her artistic talent by beautifying storefronts. She recently created an eagle on a window of the Lynn Felgars building to honor her appreciation for our national bird.

Breakfast with live music kicks off the day. Pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sponsored by Warsaw/Nauvoo-Colusa (WNC) Performing Arts, will be served from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the Warsaw High School cafeteria.

RaChella Brookhart, who coordinated the Freedom Fest parade, said, “The festivities will begin with check-in at 9:15 a.m. in the Warsaw High School parking lot and the parade itself will begin at 10 a.m. from Ninth and Crawford, proceed to Sixth St., then to Main St., and end at Second and Main. Admission to the parade is free and we welcome anyone to join us.”

Brookhart shared the parade lineup: Anticipation is palpable as Warsaw prepares for the third annual Freedom Fest Parade. This year’s event promises to be a spectacular celebration with over 30 registered participants including fire trucks, the famous Nauvoo Pipe Band, side-by-sides, four-wheelers, tractors, antique cars and creative floats from various groups and organizations. We’re also looking forward to the return of horses and donkeys this year!

The parade will begin with the time-honored tradition of the local scout pack carrying the colors, followed by the exciting reveal of this year's Grand Marshal.

Adding to the excitement, this year will mark the third presentation of the traveling trophy for best float. Judging will begin immediately following the parade, encouraging friendly competition among participants. Previous winners of this prestigious award include Deb Bavery and her WHS basketball cheerleaders in 2022, and the First Presbyterian Church of Warsaw with its Wibble Wobble Wagon in 2023.

Warsaw Community Womens Club (WCWC) members Donna Naderhoff and Sue Kerr, who once again coordinated the Little Mr. and Miss Freedom pageant, announced this year’s winners, future dentist Levah Roskamp and aspiring astronaut Jett Tibbits. In its second year, this WCWC scholarship fundraiser saw Rosalie Rogers crowned Little Miss Freedom Fest and River Froman crowned Little Mr. Freedom Fest in 2023. Rogers and Froman will crown Roskamp and Tibbits, who will be invited to participate in community events throughout the year. In addition to providing fun for the community, Brookhart wisely noted, “This cherished tradition brings a special charm to the event and is a great way for the organization to raise funds for its scholarships.”

Founded on March 20, 1924, Ralph Parker American Legion Auxiliary Post 682 will celebrate its 100th anniversary during the festivities. Invited veterans and their guests will participate in the centennial celebration from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at the Bott Community Center,

Delaney Brunenn, this year’s Ralph Parker Post American Legion Daughters State Delegate, and American Legion member Alexandria Stratton will greet visitors along the parade route by handing out candy. Melisha Thomas and Patty Hymes look forward to welcoming parade participants by carrying the organization’s banner. Wanda Treatch, Sharon Fuller, Ginny Felgar and Linda Anderson will ride in the truck driven by Kathy Batholomew. Seated in the back of the truck, veteran Lynn Felgar will enthusiastically greet the community as Uncle Sam.

Be sure to arrive early to find a good spot along the parade route and take part in the festivities. This is an event not to be missed.

Flooding at Goose Landing has necessitated a change of venue for children's entertainment, food trucks, retail vendors, the popular cornhole tournament and the Staggard and Stumptown bands. Featuring a water slide, children's entertainment will begin at 11 a.m. and end at 7 p.m. The committee is prepared to keep little ones cool on a hot day, so parents are advised to dress them in bathing suits.

Arriving at 11am, Shandys Ice Cream, RePete, All Puckered Up, Rolling Cravings, Murphys Food Truck, Big Bros BBQ and Pineys will keep the crowd well fed and energized for entertainment.

Freedom Fest welcomes first-time vendors Freeze Dried USA, Paiyton Huston, Whipped Nature, Country Wildflower Boutique, and Backroad Dyes. They will join the other vendors at 11 a.m. and remain until closing to accommodate attendees' diverse shopping needs.

Looking for a fast-paced, high-octane competition? Sign up at noon for the cornhole tournament; the fun starts at 1 p.m.

The Freedom Fest Committee is pleased to welcome the highly sought after bands, Staggard and StumpTown, to the community. Staggard will kick off the live entertainment from 6pm-9pm and our local band, StumpTown, with performances from 9pm-10pm and 11pm-midnight, will accompany us all the way to the fireworks and keep the party going afterward.

Thomas Bell and the Thump Junkies will bring the best fireworks our area has to offer to the Freedom Fest celebration at 10 p.m.

The Freedom Fest Committee has purchased additional commemorative t-shirts that can be purchased at City Hall or during the event if supplies run low. Those who purchased youth t-shirts can pick them up at City Hall.

Large-scale events like Freedom Fest are only possible because of the diligent and generous donations of time and funds from community members. The committee would like to thank Hill-Dodge Banking Company, Harrison Monuments, Midwest Marketing Production Manufacturing Corporation, RePete Candle and Coffee Bar, Jennifers Family Restaurant, GT Huston Construction, URSA Farmers Coop, Hilltop Power Sports, Pineys Pub & Grub, Paiytons Place, Blueline Power Washing, Trinity United Methodist Church, Steve Siegrist Peoples Real Estate, Brittany Howe Photography, VFW Post 9802, Lake Cooper Millworks, Rivers Edge Wellness, Finton Refuse Disposal Service, and Thomas Bell & the Thump Junkies for making the gift of Freedom Fest available to the people of Warsaw and the surrounding area.

Let freedom ring and let the fun begin!




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