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Change starts immediately, says new UK PM Keir Starmer | Election News

Change starts immediately, says new UK PM Keir Starmer | Election News
Change starts immediately, says new UK PM Keir Starmer | Election News


Britain's new Prime Minister Keir Starmer has promised to bring change after Labour's landslide victory in the general election.

Speaking outside 10 Downing Street after sharing a formal kiss with Charles III and approving the formation of a new government, Starmer said it was clear the country needed a bigger reset.

“No matter how fierce the storms of history have been, one of the great strengths of this country has always been its ability to sail through situations more calmly, so we must rediscover who we are,” he said outside his new official residence as cheering supporters gathered.

My government will fight every day until you believe again. From now on, you will have a government that is not bound by dogma, but is guided only by the determination to serve your interests. To challenge those who have quietly ignored our country.

You have given us a clear mission, and we will use it to make a difference.

Starmer also thanked Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for everything he has achieved, saying: “As the first British Asian Prime Minister of this country, what he has achieved, what he has achieved, the enormous effort it has taken, should not be underestimated.”

We pay tribute to him today.

Earlier, Sunak announced his resignation and took responsibility for his party's election defeat, while congratulating Starmer on his victory.

“I have done my best in this job, but you have sent a clear signal that the British government must change and your judgement is the only thing that matters,” Sunak said in a speech outside 10 Downing Street.

“I have heard your anger and disappointment, and I take responsibility for this defeat. To all the Conservative candidates and campaigners who worked tirelessly but failed, I am sorry that I have not given you what you deserved for your hard work,” Sunack said before meeting the monarch to tender his resignation.

Labour is expected to secure a landslide victory over Sunnack's Conservatives early on Friday, crossing the 326-seat threshold for a majority in parliament.

So far, the Labor Party has won 412 seats, giving it a majority in the House of Commons.

Exit polls had predicted the Conservatives would win 131 seats, the worst result in Conservative history. As votes continue to be counted, the Conservatives have so far won 121 seats.

Starmer, a former prosecutor and human rights lawyer, said he would try to show that politics can be a force for good.

Starmer, 61, said in his victory speech early on Friday that the British people had given him the chance to reclaim Britain's future and put the country back in the service of working people.

Our task is simply to renew the ideas that bind this country together, to renew the nation. No matter who you are, where you start, if you work hard and follow the rules, this country will give you a fair chance, Starmer told his supporters.

Welcoming Labour’s huge victory, Starmer said: Make no mistake, this is the great test of politics in this age. The fight for trust is the defining fight of our time. That’s why we campaigned so hard to show that we are fit for public service.

Several world leaders, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, have already congratulated Starmer on his success.

Starmer said Labour's changed values ​​would become the guiding principles for the new government, with country first and party second.

Labour's landslide victory came amid widespread discontent with the economy and public services. Under the Conservatives, economic growth has stalled, the cost of living has soared and hospital waiting lists have tripled.

Al Jazeera's Rory Charlands, reporting from London, said Labour would face many challenges given the widespread perception that things have gotten worse in recent years, with public services in disarray, the NHS in ruins and the government unable to do what it was supposed to do after years of Tory chaos.

According to an analysis by a leading research firm, Britons will have on average £10,200 ($12,950) less to spend or save between 2010 and 2022 compared to the economic growth rate between 1998 and 2010.

Starmer, who succeeded left-wing leader Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister in 2020, has made ambitious pledges to revive Britain's economic prosperity amid widespread anxiety about national decline.

He has pledged not to raise income tax or value-added tax and to prioritise wealth creation as part of a bid to bring Labour back to the centre after its worst defeat since 1935.

Labour leader Keir Starmer shakes hands with supporters at the Tate Modern in London. [Kin Cheung/AP Photo]

Labour's electoral success has drawn comparisons to former Prime Minister Tony Blair's victory in 1997, but Patrick Diamond, a former policy adviser to Blair and Gordon Brown's Labour governments, told Al Jazeera the situation today is markedly different.

According to Professor Diamond, who teaches public policy at Queen Mary University of London, there was greater hope and optimism among the public in 1997 because Britain was in a very different position. At the time, the country was doing very well economically, he said.

He added that the country Keir Starmer now inherits is in a very different situation.

The economy has been weak for some time. It has been hit by multiple shocks, including COVID, the war in Ukraine, etc.

Starmer said in his victory speech that the task ahead would not be easy.

Changing a country is not like turning off a switch. It is hard work, it is patient work, it is decisive work. And we have to move immediately,” he said.




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