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Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods open sports bar

Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods open sports bar
Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods open sports bar


Pop superstar Justin Timberlake and golf legend Tiger Woods are expanding their entertainment empire across the Atlantic, setting their sights on the historic town of St Andrews in Scotland.



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The duo's latest venture will see the transformation of the beloved New Picture House Cinema into a high-end cinema T-Squared Social location.

Following the success of their flagship New York City venue, Timberlake and Woods' latest upscale sports bar project will feature state-of-the-art sports simulators, a bowling alley and darts while preserving two original movie screens – a nod to the venue's rich history.

Fife Council has given the project the green light, touting its potential to revitalise the area. The redevelopment is expected to create 40 to 45 new jobs, providing a significant boost to the local economy. According to documents, the plans will allow residents to “experience a wider range of cinema, dining and entertainment options” and will be “crucial in helping to secure cinema provision in the future”.

Under the terms of the project approval, work is to begin within the next three years.

For Timberlake, the St Andrews venue holds particular significance. The “Mirrors” singer is familiar with the legendary course, having played in the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship in 2019.

Christopher Anand, CEO of Nexus Luxury Collection, the real estate company behind T-Squared Social, said: “We are committed to honoring the legacy of the theater while creating a modern entertainment destination.”

The announcement comes at a difficult time for Timberlake, who has recently faced legal troubles following a DUI arrest in Sag Harbor, New York, on June 18.

The singer addressed the incident three days later at a concert in Chicago on June 21, telling the audience, “It's been a tough week. I know I'm hard to love sometimes, but you continue to love me back. We've been through ups and downs, lefts and rights together… but you're here, and I'm here, and nothing can change this moment right now.”

At his June 29 concert in Boston, the singer appeared to approach his arrest with a touch of humor. “So, uh, is anybody here tonight driving?” Timberlake asked the cheering crowd in a video captured by a fan and posted to Tick ​​Tock“No, I’m kidding,” he added quickly.

JT's attorney, Edward Burke Jr., said he would “vigorously” defend the star against the allegations. “He will have much to say at the appropriate time,” Burke said in a statement.




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