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Behind the Scenes at Janice Szeto and Jian DeLeons' Weddings in New York and Manila

Behind the Scenes at Janice Szeto and Jian DeLeons' Weddings in New York and Manila
Behind the Scenes at Janice Szeto and Jian DeLeons' Weddings in New York and Manila


Janice Szeto and Jian DeLeon had two weddings in two different cities, each with a distinct vibe that allowed them to honor their culture and the people they love. Things started in New York City, where the couple lives, with a big party for all their friends at Jeans in downtown Manhattan. Three months later, they officially tied the knot at a church in the Philippines.

The New York party was all about their social circle. Janice and Jian both lived in the city for more than a decade before they met, but once they started dating, they realized they had a lot of people in common. “Everyone says they had a great time at the New York party because it was an epic reunion,” says Jian, who is the menswear director at Nordstrom. “A lot of these people have been in our lives for more than a decade. They have their own families and lives now, but to be able to have them all in one room was incredible for us.”

That [wedding] “We definitely had different priorities,” adds Janice, who works for Uniqlo as a product and brand marketing manager. “We really wanted to focus on family in Manila, especially with our shared heritage. Jian was born in the Philippines, while Janice has family there and visits him every summer. Having the Catholic ceremony with a traditional Chinese banquet and honoring all of our family traditions was really important to us. We were able to do both somehow and we were very happy with how it all came together.”

The invitations

text, letter

Anne Naig

The artist friend couple Naomi Otsu Janice created the invitations for both events. Each one has a different tone and manner, because you'll see that there's a lot more of a party atmosphere in New York, whereas Manila is much more refined and serious, because there's family involved, Janice explains.

New York inspiration

a group of women holding drinks

Sansho Scott/BFA

Janice and Jian have a lot of friends who work in hospitality and nightlife, so planning the New York event started with text messages. They both knew several people from Jeans who helped them book the basement for the night. “We didn’t have a planner at all, we were just in touch with our friends, like a group project where everyone did their part. It was very personal. We didn’t hand over the decision-making to someone we hadn’t known for years,” Janice says.

New York Wardrobe

a man and a woman kissing

Sansho Scott/BFA

The bride had three dresses set aside for the party, but she was having so much fun that she didn't take the time to change into the third one.

“I found this gorgeous feather-sleeved dress from Mango for my first look,” says Janice. Her shoes were by Stuart Weitzman and her bag was by Simone Rocha. Her friend Bernard James She helped me with the jewelry. I'm very minimalistic when it comes to jewelry. I don't wear a lot, but her diamonds are so gorgeous. I just wanted a simple tennis bracelet with a matching necklace, she says.

a person in a white dress

Sansho Scott/BFA

Then I went for a Solace London mini dress with a train. I put my hair up and felt really beautiful because I was able to show off some of my assets, says Janice. She also loves the Prada platform shoes she wore with it.

The third dress, which was hard to get, was backless and a little more flirty. It was something a little more fun for my parents' going away, Janice explains. Alas, I didn't get to wear it because I didn't want to be interrupted!

Jian wore a custom tuxedo by designer Emily Adams, Bode Aujla is a friend. To give it a personal touch, there was embroidery depicting a restaurant once owned by the Janice family, called Sunluck.

The matchbox [from the restaurant] is embroidered on the inside pocket. Some of the architecture from the postcards is also on the inside flap, as well as some of the menu inscriptions, he said. Jian also wore the tuxedo in Manila.

New York Party

a group of people dancing

Sansho Scott/BFA

“I don’t think we’ve ever been in a place where there were so many people that we all wanted to be around at the same time. When we walked in, it was really, really special,” Janice recalls.

a plate of food

Sansho Scott/BFA

The two created a fun menu that included Red Farm meatballs, Williamsburg Pizza heart-shaped pizzas, and Jeans chocolate chip cookies as a wedding cake. “Instead of a full meal, we served these options throughout the evening and timed it in waves, knowing that some of our friends would be coming later,” Jian says. “It ended up working out because Jeans has a certain capacity. We were able to seat about 300 people in the end.”

a man playing a musical instrument

Sansho Scott/BFA

People went crazy when We Found Love in a Hopeless Place started playing. It was everything Jian wanted from a wedding. The nostalgia of the Rihanna song and the fact that it was in a nightclub with everyone dressed up was the ultimate manifestation of what we wanted to achieve, which was this energy that we had when we were younger, but now we have together as a married couple.


a man and a woman posing for a photo


Janice and Jian hired a wedding planner who had worked with several of their friends. Planning the party in New York was relatively straightforward, but they needed help planning something overseas. In Manila, it was really important to have someone on-site to look at and find as many options as possible so we could narrow them down, Janice says. We had a really great wedding planner, but we were also able to rely on our friends and family for their personal input.

a large church with a large group of people sitting in the front

Anne Naig

The wedding took place at the Santuario de San Antonio in Forbes Park, a gated community in Makati. The church in particular was important to Janice’s family, but also to mine, Jian says. Growing up, this place was practically in our backyard. My parents were really excited that we were [getting married] there.

a group of people cutting a cake

Anne Naig

I remember being there for my cousins' weddings, so to be there myself and have my own wedding there was really surreal, Janice says.

Manila Looks

a person in a white dress holding a glass of wine

Anne Naig

The couple flew to Manila a few days before the ceremony and were able to avoid jet lag. Janice met with fashion designer Martin Bautista, who custom-made her three looks. She loved working with him and appreciated how comfortable he made her feel. “I spent most of my time going back and forth to different fittings and making alterations to the three looks,” she says. “It wasn’t stressful at all. He was very calm and very knowledgeable. He told me that I had enough on my plate and that he would take care of the rest. That was the best thing to hear with such a big event coming up.”

a man and a woman are dancing

Anne Naig

Jian wore two tuxedos, one by Thom Browne in a midnight blue inspired by JFK Jr.'s wedding, and one by Bode that he wore in New York, which he later changed into a custom Bode tuxedo jacket and denim pants.

Manila Reception

a table with flowers and candles

Anne Naig

The Shangri-La, where we had the reception, is a hotel my family frequents both as locals and as foreign visitors, Janice explains. This was the newest property, and it was truly special and a new iteration of the experiences we had growing up. Dinner was a traditional 10-course Chinese buffet served family style.

plates of food on a table

Anne Naig

The couple’s friends, Cassie and Vinny Locsin, who are siblings, gave speeches. “I think people tend to choose speakers from the bride’s side and then the groom’s side separately, and they tend to talk about the individual,” Janice says. “They were able to coordinate their speeches so that each one had elements about both of us.” Janice and Cassie met through work, and their deep friendship later extended to Jian and the Locsin family.

a group of people standing together

Anne Naig

These words reflect the warm and welcoming nature of Janice and Jian. They run at 10,000 miles per hour, socialize and interact with seas of people, and yet they manage to cultivate so many genuine relationships. And these relationships aren’t just acquaintances, mind you, they’re friendships, connections and powerful bonds. Janice and Jian nurture these connections like seeds. They check in with them regularly, nurture them and grow them, and they show them fierce loyalty, Cassie said.

a group of women posing for a photo

Anne Naig

Afterward, Janice and Jian changed outfits and headed to a new Japanese-inspired izakaya owned by a friend for the after-party. “I think we had a lot more fun at the after-party,” Janice admits.

Letter of marque

Adrienne Gaffney is a senior features editor at SHE and has already worked at WSJ Magazine And Vanity Fair.




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