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Tempers flare as Trump team revises Republican abortion agenda

Tempers flare as Trump team revises Republican abortion agenda


Donald Trump has begun reviewing draft language for a 2024 Republican platform that anti-abortion leaders say will abandon the party's decades-long call to amend the U.S. Constitution to extend personhood protections to unborn children, according to several people involved in the discussions.

The growing behind-the-scenes disagreement over the language used to discuss abortion has become so tense and acrimonious in recent weeks that some social conservative leaders have issued public warnings of a looming split in Trump’s coalition. Others have begun discussing an effort to issue a minority report on the convention platform, according to the people involved, who, like others for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations.

Trump’s advisers, meanwhile, have been irritated by the public pressure from anti-abortion activists, according to people familiar with the campaign’s internal discussions. At the same time, Trump’s allies aren’t particularly worried about the platform skirmish, because evangelicals who are strongly opposed to abortion have remained among his strongest supporters no matter how his positions on the issue have evolved.

If the Trump campaign decides to remove national protections for the unborn from the GOP platform, it would be a miscalculation that would damage party unity and destroy pro-life enthusiasm leading up to the election, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said in a statement Wednesday. We are now just one business day away from the platform committee meeting, and no assurances have been given. On the contrary, all indications are that the campaign will be successful in pushing through changes behind closed doors.

Trump advisers who selected delegates to platform committees made clear in private discussions that they wanted a shorter platform document, with language on abortion consistent with Trump's current position, multiple people said.

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022 that legalized abortion nationwide, Trump has been reluctant to say whether he would support a federal abortion ban. But Trump now says he wants each state to make its own decision on abortion regulation, while resisting calls for new federal limits that he once supported.

Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have [sic] “More conservative than others,” he said in April. “Ultimately, it’s the will of the people that matters.”

Trump allies have argued that letting states decide on abortion limits allows the former president to appear more moderate on the issue. Democrats argue that instead it forces Trump to adopt the most extreme abortion limits in the country, including in some states that have enacted near-total bans on the procedure.

Faced with the activist backlash, Trump advisers have barred the press and C-SPAN cameras from attending platform committee meetings scheduled for next week, a break with tradition that has alarmed some delegates. Republican National Committee members who are not directly involved in the platform debate will be able to attend the meetings, which begin Sunday afternoon at the Baird Center in Milwaukee, with a meeting to propose amendments scheduled for Tuesday.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, a member of the platform committee, wrote a letter to RNC Chairman Michael Whatley on Monday calling the private discussions a delaying tactic by Trump advisers. He called the decision to bar the press from attending the platform committee discussions un-American and warned that the platform could be watered down to a few pages of meaningless, poll-tested talking points.

“We build consensus by presenting our ideas and playing by the rules. And I’m very concerned about the idea of ​​shutting down that process,” Perkins said Thursday. “The Republican Party should not act as the left so often does, which seeks to silence opposition.”

The Trump campaign has said the final abortion text has not yet been determined. Some campaign officials have suggested the final text would appease many anti-abortion activists.

The platform committee has yet to meet to discuss what language should appear in the final document, Trump campaign spokeswoman Danielle Alvarez said in a statement.

During his 2016 campaign, Trump signed a letter to anti-abortion leaders promising to support the Unborn Child Protection Act, a federal law that would have banned abortion nationwide after 20 weeks of gestation, with limited exceptions. He supported the law during his first term, but his policies changed after the Supreme Court overturned Roe.

Anti-abortion activists reject the idea that overturning the high court's decision would change the need for federal legislation or a constitutional amendment process, as they have expanded their efforts to challenge federal regulatory approval of abortion drugs.

They argue that a constitutional amendment on abortion, which has been part of the Republican Party platform since the 1980s, can be considered a state issue, since any amendment would have to be ratified by at least 38 of the 50 states. They also say that Trump's recent statements on abortion do not address abortions performed in more liberal states that allow the procedure with relatively few restrictions.

Eight anti-abortion and social conservative leaders wrote a letter to Trump on June 10 demanding that the platform include support for federal legislative limits on abortion, and it included the following sentence: “We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to clarify that the protections of the Fourteenth Amendment apply to children before birth.”

This is the language you and Ronald Reagan used to campaign and win, the leaders wrote. Among the signatories were Dannenfelser, Perkins, Faith and Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed and Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America.

An anti-abortion activist involved in the discussion with the Trump team said there had been little recent communication with anti-abortion leaders beyond broad assurances that the platform would be good and that it would be pro-life.

Our position was, 'Let's solve this problem behind the scenes,' this activist said. Once it became clear to us that they didn't want to work with us and seemed inclined to fight with us, we took a more vocal position.

Some RNC members also worry that the Trump team will backtrack on its 2016 statement, which decried the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision allowing same-sex couples to marry. The previous statement called marriage between a man and a woman the foundation of a free society that has been entrusted for millennia with raising children and instilling cultural values.

Trump advisers privately say they do not want a fight over same-sex marriage and consider it a settled issue that does not deserve to be revived, according to people familiar with the conversations.

“It wouldn’t be a smart move to define it any other way,” one RNC member said of marriage. “I’m a little worried about what might happen.”

Marianne LeVine contributed to this report.




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