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Local actor-teacher a perfect fit for Moonlights School of Rock – San Diego Union-Tribune

Local actor-teacher a perfect fit for Moonlights School of Rock – San Diego Union-Tribune
Local actor-teacher a perfect fit for Moonlights School of Rock – San Diego Union-Tribune


For Zane Camacho, who plays unemployed musician-turned-professor Dewey Finn in Moonlight Stage Productions' “School of Rock,” the school part of the story rightly comes first in the title.

“The show is not about telling the history of rock or helping kids understand their musical roots,” Camacho said. “It’s about using the arts to help young people find themselves. It’s fundamentally important, especially for the so-called ‘iPad generation,’ to form a community and a sense of identity. Only the arts can do that.”

Zane Camacho stars as Dewey Finn in Moonlight Stage Productions
Zane Camacho stars as Dewey Finn in Moonlight Stage Productions' musical “School of Rock.” (Allison Tester)

Playing a character defined by Jack Black in the 2003 hit “School of Rock” is an example of art imitating life for Camacho, 24, who earned his bachelor’s degree in theater from UC San Diego and a theater teaching degree from San Diego State. In the fall, he’ll teach kids nearly the same age as the ones in “School of Rock” at Guajome Park Academy in Vista.

“With this role, I combine my theater art with my work in education,” he said, “and I also realize the dream of being Jack Black. I grew up with Jack Black. He's a huge idol for me.”

The role of Dewey Finn is Camacho's first starring role in Moonlight, where he has previously appeared in various ensemble roles, including DJ Buck Wiley in 2022's “Memphis the Musical” and as Gaston's sidekick Lefou in “Beauty and the Beast” three years ago. The latter was directed by Jamie Torcellini, who is now Camacho's director in “School or Rock.”

“In the story,” Camacho explains, “Dewey comes into this classroom with no experience with children or education. It reminds me of my first day walking into a classroom and wondering if this would be ‘the right’ thing for me. By the end of my first year of teaching, I felt like Dewey at the end of the movie, how as an educator you can change these kids’ lives and how the kids change your life in the process.”

The musical “School of Rock” debuted on Broadway in 2015. The music is composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber and the lyrics are written by Glenn Slater (“Sister Act,” “The Little Mermaid”). Julian Fellowes (“Downton Abbey”) wrote the screenplay.

Moonlight Stage Productions Creative and Casting Team
The creative team and cast of Moonlight Stage Productions' musical “School of Rock.” (Allison Tester)

Camacho came to the role with a musical background.

“I was in band throughout middle school and high school, and I have a lot of experience as an orchestra player,” he said.

But he had no experience playing guitar, which is required for the role of Dewey Finn in “School of Rock.”

“Throughout my schooling, I never touched a guitar or a stringed instrument,” Camacho said. “I played the tuba. I didn’t learn to play guitar until I was called back for this job. I figured it was best to learn as much as I could.”

In addition to his studies, Camacho said he received help from cast member Mason Trueblood, who plays one of the students on the show.

“I find myself asking him questions about technique and how to play certain things,” Camacho said.

The role of Dewey Finn also requires some stamina on stage, but Camacho believes he's found a rhythm.

“For me, everything has to have a purpose. Every move, every jump, every fall, every sprint. The only time an actor really gets exhausted is when he's moving when he doesn't have to.”

“School of Rock” is a show that is constantly in motion. Camacho emphasizes, however, that it is not a dance show.

“It's a thrash show,” he said. Choreographer Bill Burns brings the thrash to Moonlight's show.

“He works hard,” Camacho said of Burns, “to make these kids little rock stars.”

An adult who aspires to be a rock star, too.

'School of Rock'

When: Open on Wednesdays and until July 27. 8 p.m. Wednesday to Sunday

Or: Moonlight Amphitheatre, Brengle Terrace Park, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista

Tickets: $15-$60

Phone: (760) 724-2110





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