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'Thank you for…': PM Modi's message to outgoing UK PM Rishi Sunak | India News

'Thank you for…': PM Modi's message to outgoing UK PM Rishi Sunak | India News
'Thank you for…': PM Modi's message to outgoing UK PM Rishi Sunak | India News


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday thanked the outgoing British prime minister Rishi Sunak to deepen ties between the two countries.
I wish the first British Indian Prime Minister Sunak the best in the future, PM Modi wrote on X: “Thank you Rishi Sunak for your admirable leadership of the UK and your active contribution to deepening India-UK ties during your tenure. Best wishes to you and your family for the future.”
Rishi Sunak, the first British Prime Minister of Indian origin, has conceded defeat after the Conservative Party suffered a historic fall in seats after 14 years in power. This marked the end of his tenure as Prime Minister, just 20 months after he was sworn in amidst political turmoil in the party. Despite the defeat, Sunak's legacy remains significant due to his pioneering role and various achievements during his tenure.
The British people have delivered a sobering verdict and there is much to learn and reflect on, Sunak acknowledged in his acceptance speech in Richmond and Northallerton. He added: “I take responsibility for this defeat. To the many good, hard-working Conservative candidates who lost, despite their tireless efforts, local results and dedication to their communities, I offer my deepest condolences.”
In October 2022, Sunak became leader of the Conservative Party on Diwali and entered 10 Downing Street as the youngest prime minister in 210 years and the country's first non-white leader.
He has faced a difficult period, marked by high inflation, exacerbated by the mini-budget of his predecessor Liz Truss. While he has succeeded in bringing down inflation, a broader anti-presidential sentiment against his divided party has grown stronger.
Sunak, born to parents of Indian origin who emigrated to the UK from Kenya in the 1960s, emerged as a key figure during the Covid-19 pandemic as the first British chancellor of Indian origin. During his financial watch, he sought to reassure a panicked population. However, his relationship with then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson deteriorated as the latter lost popularity over the “partygate” scandal.
Sunak's responsibilities as prime minister included negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) with India, which stalled in the 14th round of talks.
Sunak addressed parliament to clarify his ties to India, saying: “For the record, let me state that, as is a public fact, my family and I are of Indian origin. My wife and her family are Indian citizens with financial interests in India.” He referred to his wife Akshata Murty’s shares in Infosys, a company co-founded by her father Narayana Murthy.
Sunak, who met his wife while studying at Stanford University, has risen rapidly through the ranks of the Conservative Party since being elected as MP for Richmond, a Tory stronghold, in 2015. His #Ready4Rishi leadership campaign in July 2022 marked a rapid rise through the party ranks, from junior minister to chancellor of the exchequer.
Prime Minister Modi also congratulated the new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer “My heartiest congratulations and best wishes to Keir Starmer on his remarkable victory in the UK General Election. I look forward to our positive and constructive collaboration to further strengthen the India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in all spheres, thereby fostering mutual growth and prosperity,” he wrote on X.




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