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Music festival and artistic walks this weekend on the peninsula

Music festival and artistic walks this weekend on the peninsula
Music festival and artistic walks this weekend on the peninsula

A music festival, art walks and other concerts will be offered throughout the North Olympic Peninsula this weekend.

• The first independent music festival Tarboo begins today through Sunday at the Quilcene Lantern, 7360 Center Road, Quilcene.

Tickets are $55 for single-day passes and $150 for “all-weekend” passes at

Camping, for $20 per person per night, and parking, for $10 per vehicle per day, are available on site.

Today we will have performances from Pistil, Caro Kann, Monica and Jammin Salmon.

On Saturday we will see Pure Bathing Culture, Tomo Nakayama, Wayne Horvitz Electric Circus, Larsen Gardens, Westmoreland and Lilly Miller.

The festival ends on Sunday with Kate Davis, Black Ends, Margaux, Chris Icasiano, Magic and Lotion.

• First Friday Art Walk is scheduled for 5-8 p.m. tonight in downtown Sequim.

Maps for the free self-guided art walk are available at

Special events of the purple-themed art walk include:

Opening night of “Plein Air Inspirations” in the main gallery of the A. Milligan Art Studio and Gallery, 520 N. Sequim Ave.

An opening reception for “A Walk In The Woods” featuring Jeannine Chappell and Jane Smith at Blue Whole Gallery, 129 W. Washington St.

An opening reception for “To Feel, Focus on Texture” in the Karen Kuznek-Reese Gallery at the Sequim Civic Center, 152 W. Cedar St.

A production of “Lavender Melodrama — Lavender Dreams” at 7 p.m. at the Olympic Theater Arts, 414 N. Sequim Ave.

Tickets are $20 at or by calling the box office at 360-683-7326.

An exhibit of oil paintings by local artist Steve Vogel in the Judith McInnes Tozzer Art Gallery at the Sequim Museum and Arts, 544 N. Sequim Ave.

Pacific Mist Books, 122 W. Washington St., will welcome Janet McGiffin, author of “Seizing the Power,” the third book in her Empress Irini series of historical fiction for young adults.

• Me and the boys will perform at 3 p.m. Sunday for Concerts in the Woods at the Laurel B. Johnson Community Center, 923 Hazel Point Road in Coyle. Admission is by suggested donation of $20.

The group consists of Roger Ferguson, Terry Enyeart, Rick Meade and Mick Nicholson.

The boys play traditional bluegrass, classic rock and jazz on acoustic instruments.

• First Saturday Art Walk in Port Townsend is scheduled from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday at various arts venues in downtown Port Townsend.

Special events during the art walk include:

The Port Townsend Gallery, 715 Water St., will host a reception for Margaret Woodcock and Mitchel Osborne from 5 to 8 p.m.

Jeanette Best Gallery, 701 Water St., will host an opening reception from 5 to 8 p.m. for “Sifting the Silence,” a collection of 40 paintings, prints and intaglio prints by Port Townsend-based artist Shirley Scheier.

Gallery 9, 1012 Water St., will feature the oil paintings of Linda Marie Kempe and the turned wood of Jon Geisbush from 5 to 8 p.m.

• “Pride and Prejudice and Perms”, a Teen Initiative production will run Friday through Thursday at Key City Public Theatre, 419 Washington St., Port Townsend.

Tickets are $20 per person, $10 for youth ages 13-17 and $5 for youth under 12 by calling the box office at 360-385-5278 or visiting

The play, written by Kathleen McDowell, is an adaptation of Jane Austen's “Pride and Prejudice” set in 1987.

The initiative currently includes more than 20 students who produce the entire show, from set and costume design to stage management and publicity.

• Mia Torres will perform from 5 to 7 p.m. tonight at the Old Alcohol Plant Inn, 310 Hadlock Bay Road, Port Hadlock. Admission is free.

• Janie Cribbs and the T. Rust Group will perform from 5 to 8 p.m. tonight at the Port Townsend Brewing Co., 330 10th St., Port Townsend. Admission is free.

•Marc Ensey will perform from 7 to 10 p.m. tonight at Joshua's Restaurant, 113 S. Del Guzzi Drive, Port Angeles. Cover charge is $10.

• The Shore Break And Shades will perform from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at The Hub, 117 N. Lincoln St., Port Angeles. Tickets are $10 per person at or at the door.

• Scott Wilson will sign copies of his new book, “Working Port: 100 Years of the Port of Port Townsend,” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Jefferson County Historical Society, 540 Water St., Port Townsend.

Wilson, former editor and publisher of the Port Townsend Leader, was hired by the Port of Port Townsend to chronicle the port's history in celebration of its centennial this year. The historical society, in collaboration with the port, will also release its new brochure, “Port Hudson Historic Walking Tour,” on Saturday.

• Loni Grinell-Greninger will present “Native Plants: Their Culinary and Medicinal Uses” at 12:15 p.m. Sunday at the Olympic Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1033 N. Barr Road, Port Angeles.

Grinell-Greninger is the cultural director for the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe.

For more information, email [email protected].




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