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Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative

Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative


Once best known for its VPN, Proton now offers a suite of secure online services including email, cloud storage and a password manager (the Proton Pass Linux app was released last month).

Now the company is taking a new tack in its privacy-focused strategy, targeting Google Docs in the process.

This week, Proton announced Docs on Proton Drive, a “privacy-focused document editor” that lets anyone with a Proton account (free or paid) create, edit, share, and collaborate on documents on the go from any web browser.

Admittedly, an open-source, auditable, cloud-based word processor isn't strictly Ubuntu-specific news (in case you're wondering why I'm writing about it).

But the release of the official Proton Mail and Proton Pass desktop Linux apps means that more Ubuntu users are now using Proton services, so in that sense it's just as important as anything else Ubuntu users use.

Unfortunately, there is no official Proton Drive desktop app or integration (yet). It would be nice to have something similar to GNOME's OneDrive or Google Drive support, where your edited documents are stored.

As a result, adding files to Proton Drive for online editing, and then accessing those files from your desktop to open and edit documents in native Linux apps, is a bit more tedious than with other cloud-based services (such as Microsoft Office via OneDrive or Google Docs via Drive).

But the fact that Proton positions its service as safe, secure and privacy-focused means it may be worth the hassle until something more seamless arrives.

“Okay, Joey, but is that okay?”

Proton's Google Docs alternative Proton Docs now works with Firefox on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

“Google Docs” is a suite of apps, but “Docs” is also the name of the word processor component, which is comparable to a similar product from Proton (Proton Drive has the long-named Docs), but unfortunately does not have a spreadsheet or presentation creation component.

In terms of features, Proton Docs is more than functional enough for most common use cases, with the usual rich-text editing capabilities, tablet support, paragraph styles, image embedding, file compatibility with popular formats like DOCX and RTF, and more.

You can't open or save to the ODT that LibreOffice uses. Sorry.

Another attractive feature of Proton Docs is the ability to collaborate in real time with others who share documents, including an inline indicator of where the cursor is and the ability to comment and reply, all end-to-end encrypted and secure.

But it has its downsides: it is not a comprehensive word processor and it lacks many formatting and advanced features found in Google Docs, Zoho, ONLYOFFICE Online Editors, etc.

Therefore, people writing essays or research papers that require specific layouts, headers/footers, bibliographies, etc. should use a dedicated desktop productivity suite like LibreOffice, ONLYOFFICE, etc.

Still, this online document editor is brand new, so anything that's missing today could easily be added in the coming months or years – and Proton as a company is very responsive to user feedback and requests.

As a privacy feature, Proton ensures that what you say is truly private.

Privacy is arguably the best feature of Proton Drive's Docs, not character styles, page rulers/margins, or LaTeX support.

Online document editors have become core productivity tools used for everything from personal journals to confidential business strategies. The problem is, most companies that offer document editors today [] They collect your personal information and monetize it.


Undoubtedly, the biggest attraction for many will be the fact that what they write in online documents remains private unless they choose to share it, cannot be scraped or accessed by algorithms, snooped on by governments, or leaked in data breaches.

If you're an existing Proton user and want to give this a try, just visit Proton Drive in your web browser, sign in with your account, click the “New” button, click “Document” and start typing.

If you haven't used Proton products before, you might find this product appealing: If you sign up for a Proton account, the free plan is pretty solid, offering email, 2GB of cloud storage, password syncing, and more.




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