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Akshata Murty's striking dress was a pointed farewell to Downing Street

Akshata Murty's striking dress was a pointed farewell to Downing Street
Akshata Murty's striking dress was a pointed farewell to Downing Street


Keir Starmer is the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after the landslide victory of the Labour Party in the elections

Her striking look was hard to miss (Photo: Carl Court/Getty Images)

As Rishi Sunak has apologised to the nation and his wife, Akshata Murty, has offered her support.

For anyone watching the prime minister's final speech, it was hard not to notice the striking outfit the 44-year-old wore for the solemn occasion.

The red, white and blue chevron dress is the Lina dress from the ethical designer Omi Na Na, and costs the tidy sum of 395.

Despite being in the background, the mother-of-two certainly stood out, raising questions about whether her outfit was not just a fashion choice, but a tactical one as well.

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Akshata has certainly not faded into the background (Photo: REUTERS)

Is this a deliberate attempt to distract from Sunak's speech? a user X.

While another said: Akshatas' choice of clothing [is] very interesting (and I guess intentional).

Oriona Robb is a personal stylist with two decades of experience, she thinks Akshata's dress might have been a strategic decision.

The herringbone pattern of the dress is known for its bold and dynamic look, she explains. It can be interpreted as a symbol of confidence, assertiveness and modernity.

Being visually present during such an important moment can draw attention to it.

Susie Nelson, fashion expert and vintage boutique owner Fashions and moreagrees: It's a bold choice and could be seen as distracting her husband while he was giving a difficult speech.

Outgoing Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty leave after delivering a speech in Downing Street, London, following his party's landslide defeat to Labour in the 2024 general election. Picture date: Friday July 5, 2024. PA Photo. See PA POLITICS story Election. Photo credit should read: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Was the red, white and blue intentional? (Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire)

The colorway could also be a nod to the pair's future projects.

Oriona says: The dress's red, white and blue colour combination could potentially be interpreted as a nod to the couple's rumored move to the United States.

These colors are often associated with American symbolism, and Akshata may subtly hint at or acknowledge this transition through her attire.

Meanwhile, Susie wonders if the colours are actually a subtle show of support for the New Labour Party.

Red, white and blue are patriotic colours, as well as being the colours of the Labour Party and the Conservative Party, she adds.

New Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his wife, Victoria, were also spotted this morning arriving at Buckingham Palace to meet the King.

Her choice of dress was perhaps a little less subtle: an all-red dress, the Labour Party's signature colour.

All red for Victoria (Photo: REUTERS)

Akshata was vocal in her support for her husband throughout his failed general election campaign.

When Rishi called the election in May, the billionaire businesswoman posted a loving picture of the couple on Instagram, with the caption: “I'm with you every step of the way.”

And as she went to the polls yesterday, she posted another image, with the caption: You always had my vote.

It wouldn't be the first time that public figures have used fashion to send a message.

Even the late Queen, who as a member of the royal family was expected to be politically impartial, often wore outfits and jewelry to subtly show her support for certain causes.

Princess Diana in a black dress

Fashion can certainly send a message (Photo: Anwar Hussein/WireImage)

For example, shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Queen was photographed wearing a blue dress with yellow accents, the color of the Ukrainian flag.

And let's not forget Princess Diana's famous revenge dress, which she wore just days after news of Prince Charles' infidelity hit the headlines.

Photos of the princess's outfit have gone down in history, with her daring off-the-shoulder gown described as possibly the most strategic dress ever worn by a woman in modern times.

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