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The DCU Already Has the Perfect Actor to Play Nightwing in the Batman Movie Reboot

The DCU Already Has the Perfect Actor to Play Nightwing in the Batman Movie Reboot
The DCU Already Has the Perfect Actor to Play Nightwing in the Batman Movie Reboot



  • Nightwing is likely to appear in the DC Universe, with the Bat-Family confirmed for the Batman reboot movie.
  • Brenton Thwaites' experience playing Dick Grayson on Titans makes him a perfect choice for Nightwing in the DCU.
  • The DCU could improve on Thwaites' portrayal of Nightwing, presenting a lighter, more charismatic version of the character.

Night Wing is likely coming to the new DC Universe, and an actor would be perfect to play Dick Grayson in the upcoming Batman reboot. Nightwing is currently one of DC's most important characters in comics.. While Dick Grayson has always been a popular hero, having been Batman's first Robin before becoming Nightwing, the character now leads the DC Universe's premier superhero team, the Titans. After last appearing in a film in 1997 Batman and RobinDick Grayson set to return as Batman The Brave and the Bold movie.

The reason is that DCU creative chief James Gunn has confirmed that the Bat-Family characters will appear in Batman's DCU debut. Damian Wayne, the fourth male Robin, plays a major role in the film. Dick Grayson was the first of Batman's Robins.and he has a special connection to Damian in the comics, Nightwing will likely be a part of the movie and future DCU movies and shows. The DCU already has the perfect actor for Nightwing, and it's someone who's already played Dick Grayson in live-action.


Nightwing Cast: 10 Actors Perfect To Play Dick Grayson In DC's New Batman Movie

James Gunn has teased Nightwing on social media, and some actors could play Dick Grayson in the Batman DCU reboot movie and more.

Titans' Brenton Thwaites Wants to Play Nightwing in the DCU

The actor has a lot of experience in the role

Although Dick Grayson's last appearance in a live-action film was in 1997, the character has graced the small screen in recent years. Brenton Thwaites brought Dick to life, both as Robin and Nightwing, in DC TitansThe series ran for four seasons, with many major characters tied to Dick Grayson, such as several Teen Titans heroes, other Robins, Barbara Gordon, and even Batman himself. As such, Thwaites has a good idea of ​​how to play Nightwing in an expanding DC world, which would be perfect for the DCU.

With Titans Season 4 concluding the series in 2023, Thwaites' time as Dick Grayson is over. However, the actor would love to continue playing his DC character. Speaking to Sound effects magazine (by CBR), Thwaites has revealed he would love to play Nightwing in James Gunn's DC UniverseThe actor expressed his excitement at the prospect of appearing in a film as Dick Grayson, saying: “It would be a great honor to bring Nightwing to the big screen.“Casting for the DCU's Bat-Family has yet to begin. Check out Thwaites' full quote below:

“I've thought about it. I'd love to do it. It's not my job, it's Warner Bros. Things are changing dramatically at Warner Bros. Their next series of films could be really exciting. We'll just have to wait and see. It would be a great honor to bring Nightwing to the big screen.”


10 Reasons Why Nightwing Is Perfect For The Rebooted DCU After 35 Years Of Batman Movie Snubs

James Gunn has revealed that the Bat-Family will be part of the DCU, and after years of movie snubs, Nightwing needs a major role in the franchise.

The DCU Could Make Titans' Best Cast Even Better

Thwaites' Nightwing may be his ideal version

Titans was a controversial series, with bold choices. Still, there was a lot to like, and the best part of the show was the perfect casting of some of DC's greatest heroes. Chief among them is Thwaites as Nightwing, who led the series. The DCU Could Bring In The Already Excellent Dick Grayson Actor And Make Him Bettermaking the hero lighter and allowing him to joke and have fun in the midst of combat and with his friends, a key characteristic of Dick Grayson who Titans often overlooked. A charismatic Night Wing who is part of an expansive Bat-Family is perfect for Brenton Thwaites.

  • Titans Season 4 Poster


    This gritty take on the “Teen Titans” franchise follows the young heroes of the DC Universe as they grow up. Dick Grayson (aka Nightwing) and Rachel Roth, a special girl possessed by a strange darkness, become embroiled in a conspiracy that could bring hell to Earth. Hothead Starfire and the lovable Beast Boy join them along the way as they become a surrogate family and a team of heroes fighting evil.

  • The Bold and the Brave: Batman and Robin in DC Comics, written by Grant Morrison

    The Brave and the Bold

    The Brave and the Bold is the first Batman film in the DC Universe directed by James Gunn and Peter Safran, which reimagines the Dark Knight based on Ben Affleck's version of the character. It introduces Bruce Wayne's son, Robin Damian Wayne, and draws inspiration from Grant Morrison's work on the comic book character.




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