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Lady Victoria Starmer pays tribute to Kate Middleton in Labour red dress

Lady Victoria Starmer pays tribute to Kate Middleton in Labour red dress
Lady Victoria Starmer pays tribute to Kate Middleton in Labour red dress


From victory speech metaphors to the colour of a tie, rest assured that no seemingly insignificant detail is overlooked in the world of politics. It was fitting, then, that the outfit worn by the wife of new Prime Minister Keir Starmer was not pulled from the back of the wardrobe in an impromptu fashion, but rather was an important and carefully considered choice for Lady Victoria Starmer.

The NHS occupational therapist was seen alongside her husband in Downing Street on Friday for his first official speech as Prime Minister following his appointment by King Charles earlier in the morning.


For the historic occasion, Lady Starmer wore an off-the-shoulder dress. Contrasting dot midi dress from British fashion label ME+EM, retailing for $275. The brand, founded by Clare Hornby, was created to foster smart style for smart women, according to its website.

How Lady Victoria Starmer paid tribute to Kate Middleton with her red work dress

Andrew Aitchison//Getty Images

The dress, made from a wrinkle-resistant fabric, comes in a poppy red, reflecting the Labour Party's colours to celebrate its historic victory.

With an elasticated waist and pockets, the dress was a fitting choice for a woman whose words, actions and clothing choices will surely be scrutinised in the years to come.

The choice of dress was particularly fitting given that ME+EM is a brand often worn by Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, who is currently undergoing cancer treatment and has stepped away from official royal duties in recent months while she recovers.

Duchess of Cambridge in Copenhagen

Samir Hussein

duchess of cambridge in scotland

Jane Barlow//Getty Images

In recent years, the royal has worn pieces from the brand to the Chelsea Flower Show, on a visit to Copenhagen and a memorable pink midi dress (also worn by her mother, Carole Middleton) to meet a little girl named Mila, who she promised would wear pink if and when they met during a visit to Scotland.

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Katie O'Malley is the ELLE UK Website Director. On a day-to-day basis, you'll find Katie managing all digital workflows, editing website content, videos and newsletters, liaising with the sales and marketing teams on new partnerships and deals (e.g. Nike, Tiffany & Co., Cartier etc.), implementing new digital strategies and compiling in-depth reports on traffic, SEO and e-commerce. As well as appearing on radio and TV, and interviewing everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Rishi Sunak PM, Katie enjoys writing about lifestyle, culture, wellness, fitness, fashion and much more.




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