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Vladimir Putin takes Donald Trump's Ukraine peace plan seriously but questions his methods

Vladimir Putin takes Donald Trump's Ukraine peace plan seriously but questions his methods
Vladimir Putin takes Donald Trump's Ukraine peace plan seriously but questions his methods


Russian President Vladimir Putin said he takes seriously former US President Donald Trump's comments about his desire to end the war in Ukraine.

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Speaking at a news conference in Kazakhstan, where he was attending a regional security conference, Putin responded to Trump's recent statements about his ability to quickly resolve the war in Ukraine if he is elected president on November 5.

The fact that Mr. Trump, as a presidential candidate, says that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take it very seriously, Putin said.

Of course, I don't know what proposals he might make to achieve this. That is the key question. But I am convinced that he sincerely thinks so and that we support him (the idea of ​​ending the war).

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In April, the Washington Post reported that Trump had privately considered a peace plan that would allow Putin to retain control of Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, and the Donbass region, which is partially occupied by Russian forces.

Reuters also revealed last month that two of Trump's top advisers had suggested a plan to pressure Ukraine into peace talks by threatening to withhold further U.S. military aid.

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The Russian president also debunked Trump's conviction for paying bribes, calling it simply a political fight and also rejected the idea that his conviction in any way affects American democracy.

It is clear all over the world that the prosecution of Trump… is nothing more than using the judicial system as part of an internal political struggle, Putin said, adding: Their alleged leadership in the field of democracy is being burned to the ground.

Asked about the first presidential debate on CNN between Trump and Joe Biden, Putin admitted to having seen only fragments of it. “I saw some fragments. But I have enough to do,” he said.

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Although Biden has previously referred to Putin in harsh terms, Putin has indicated that he views Biden as preferable to Trump as the next president of the United States, although his remarks have at times been ambiguous.

Regarding his preference for Biden, Putin said: “Nothing has changed. Didn't we know what might happen? We knew.”




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