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Erdogan may invite Syrian President Assad to Türkiye

Erdogan may invite Syrian President Assad to Türkiye
Erdogan may invite Syrian President Assad to Türkiye


In a new move aimed at reconciliation with the Syrian regime, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he may invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Ankara along with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the official Anadolu news agency reported.

“We could, together with Russian President Vladimir Putin, receive an invitation from Bashar al-Assad,” Erdoan told reporters on his return flight from Astana, the Kazakh capital, where he attended a two-day summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) this week.

If Mr Putin can visit Turkey, it could be the beginning of a new period, Erdogan said.

Erdogan and Putin, who is seeking to restore ties between Erdogan and Assad, met on Wednesday on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Astana to discuss bilateral and global issues.

In their first face-to-face meeting since September, Erdoan invited Putin to visit Turkey, an offer Putin accepted, affirming his commitment to a future visit.

Turkey severed ties with Syria in 2011 after the outbreak of civil war, backing opposition groups seeking to overthrow Assad. The Turkish leader called Assad a murderer in 2017, saying he should be brought to justice in an international court.

Under Erdoan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) government, Ankara has become more aggressive and active in the region's conflicts, supporting its proxies.

Turkey and its proxies have seized territory inside Syria in several military operations launched since 2016 against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Kurdish militias.

Over the years, Erdogan has softened his stance toward Assad and signaled that reconciliation with the Syrian president was possible.

In 2022, Erdoğan declared that removing Assad was no longer a priority for Turkey. Despite high-level talks between Ankara and Damascus, hosted by Russia the same year, no significant progress was made.

As part of a broader effort to improve relations with Gulf countries, Turkey is now considering restoring ties with Damascus if progress is made in the fight against terrorism, in the return of more than 3 million Syrian refugees hosted in Turkey and in the political process.

In March 2023, a day after his meeting with Putin, Assad said he would only meet Erdogan if Turkey withdrew its troops from northern Syria.

[Any meeting] This is connected with the fact that we will reach the point when Turkey will be ready fully and without any uncertainty to completely withdraw from Syrian territory, Assad told the Russian state news agency RIA-Novosti.

This is the only way my meeting with Erdoğan can take place, Assad reportedly said at the time.

Last week, Erdoğan also said he did not rule out a possible meeting with Assad to help restore bilateral relations between Turkey and Syria.

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