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Balancing innovation with AI safety

Balancing innovation with AI safety


As tools and technologies that use artificial intelligence (AI) continue to emerge at a rapid pace, the rush to innovate often overshadows important discussions about safety. At Black Hat 2024 in Las Vegas next month, a panel of experts will address the topic of AI safety. Hosted by Nathan Hamiel, who leads the fundamental and applied research team at Kudelski Security, the panel aims to dispel misconceptions and clarify the responsibility organizations have when it comes to AI safety.

Hamiel says AI safety is not just a concern for academics and governments.

“Most security experts don't really think about AI safety,” he says. “They think it's something that governments or academics or the organizations that create the underlying models should worry about.”

But as AI is rapidly integrated into everyday systems and used in key decision-making processes, a broader focus on safety is needed.

“It's unfortunate that AI safety has been subsumed under the category of existential risk,” Hamiel said. “AI safety is crucial to ensuring that the technology is safe to use.”

The intersection of AI safety and security

The panel will explore the intersection of AI safety and security and how the two concepts are interrelated. According to Hamiel, security is a fundamental aspect of safety. An unsecure product cannot be used safely. As AI technology becomes more deeply ingrained in systems and applications, the responsibility for ensuring the safety of these systems falls increasingly on security professionals.

“Security professionals will play a larger role in AI safety, as this is closer to their current responsibilities for ensuring the security of systems and applications,” he said.

Dealing with technical and human disasters

One of the main topics of the panel was the various harms that could arise from the adoption of AI. Hamiel categorizes these harms using the acronym SPAR, which stands for Secure, Private, Aligned, and Trustworthy. This framework helps assess whether AI products are safe to use.

“You can't begin to address human harm without addressing technological harm,” Hamiel said, emphasizing the importance of considering use cases for AI technology and the potential costs of failure in certain situations. The panel will also discuss the critical role organizations play in AI safety.

“When you're developing a product and delivering it to a customer, you can't say, 'It's not our fault, it's the fault of the model provider,'” Hamiel says.

Organizations must take responsibility for the safety of the AI ​​applications they develop and deploy, and this responsibility includes understanding and mitigating the potential risks and harms associated with the use of AI.

Innovation and AI safety go hand in hand

The panel will bring together a diverse group of experts, including representatives from both the private sector and government, with the goal of providing participants with a broad understanding of the challenges and responsibilities surrounding AI safety, enabling them to take informed action based on their own needs and perspectives.

Hamiel hopes that by the time attendees leave the session, they will have a clearer understanding of AI safety and the importance of incorporating safety considerations into security strategies.

“We want to dispel some of the misconceptions about AI safety and address some of the harms that AI can cause,” he said. “Safety is part of security, and there is a role for information security professionals to play.”

The conversations at Black Hat are aimed at raising awareness and providing actionable insights to ensure AI adoption is safe and secure, which Hamiel says is essential as AI evolves and becomes integrated into more aspects of daily life.

“This is a very hot topic that's going to get a lot more attention,” he noted. “I'm excited to be discussing it at Black Hat.”




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