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Jared Golden wants to pay tribute to actor James Earl Jones

Jared Golden wants to pay tribute to actor James Earl Jones
Jared Golden wants to pay tribute to actor James Earl Jones


Congress is having a hard time agreeing on anything these days, but a growing bipartisan group is pushing to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the actor best known for voicing Darth Vader in the original Star Wars films.

Theatre-James Earl JonesTheatre-James Earl Jones

2016 archive photo of James Earl Jones Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP, file

U.S. Rep. Jared Golden, a three-term Democrat from Lewiston, signed on last week as a co-sponsor of the James Earl Jones Congressional Gold Medal Act.

The measure had 167 co-sponsors as of Friday, with weekly signatures remaining steady since the bill was introduced two months ago by U.S. Rep. Mike Lawler, a New York Republican who counts Jones among his Hudson Valley constituents.

“While we may have disagreed about his participation in the Empire’s quest to build multiple Death Stars, I am grateful to represent him in Congress and look forward to bestowing upon him this great honor,” Lawler said in a prepared statement. “Who says Darth Vader can’t be the good guy for once?

Over the years, many recipients have received the medal, including many groups. Congress most recently awarded the medal in 2023 to Emmett Till, the victim of a famous lynching that helped spur civil rights efforts, and to a civil rights leader, Mamie Till-Mobley.

The proposed gold medal for Jones would be recognition of a remarkable life dedicated to reshaping perceptions, dismantling racial barriers and championing equal opportunities for people of all backgrounds in film and theater.

Jones, born in 1931, has won three Tony Awards, two Emmy Awards and a Grammy Award, among other honors. He has starred in numerous Broadway hits and popular films.

Perhaps jumping the gun a bit on the Bills' fate, Jones said in a prepared statement: “As a devoted fan of history, I am deeply honored to receive an award that dates back to America's founding and which, in recent years, has increasingly recognized lesser-known individuals whose courage and perseverance extends to many areas of our society.”

“I hope this honor will highlight the importance of the performing arts to our culture and our future as a nation,” Jones added.

Fellow Maine congresswoman Chellie Pingree is not among the bill's sponsors. Four other New England Democrats are, including two from Massachusetts and two from Connecticut.

In total, the bill received support from 106 Republican lawmakers and 61 Democrats. It takes 218 votes for a bill to pass the House.

U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres, a New York Democrat, said in a prepared statement that Jones was the pinnacle of Black American excellence. He helped pave the way for our community in Hollywood and delivered historic performances like Darth Vader and Mufasa along the way.

The American people owe Mr. Jones a debt of gratitude for his tireless dedication to his craft, Torres said.

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