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What we can VERIFY about the Trump photo and the Russian plane

What we can VERIFY about the Trump photo and the Russian plane
What we can VERIFY about the Trump photo and the Russian plane


Former President Trump's plane was recently parked next to a Russian plane at a Washington, D.C.-area airport. But we can't verify whether the passengers interacted with each other.

After the presidential debate against Joe Biden on June 27, a photo related to Donald Trump went viral on the Internet. But it was not a photo of the former president, but a photo of his plane.

The photo shows the name Trump Force One while Trump was in office and a play on words referring to Air Force One parked next to what appears to be a Russian plane. Another photo, which has also gone viral online, shows a United Arab Emirates military plane also parked next to Trump's plane and the Russian plane.

Readers Jennifer, Marjie and Tom asked if Trump's plane was really next to a Russian plane.


Is the photo of Trump's plane parked next to a Russian plane real?



Yes, the photo of Trump's plane parked next to a Russian plane is real.


Viral photo of planes parked next to each other is real, according to VERIFY analysis and flight data.

Former President Donald Trump’s Trump Force One plane was parked at Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) on multiple occasions between June 28 and June 30. During that time, his plane was parked next to a Russian embassy plane and a United Arab Emirates plane, VERIFY has confirmed. Trump’s plane overlapped the Russian plane at IAD for a total of about 14 hours, and the three planes overlapped for a total of about 7.5 hours.

What we cannot confirm is whether passengers on each plane interacted with each other.

In the photo, Trump Force One is clearly visible in its red, white and blue color scheme with the large TRUMP logo towards the cockpit and the American flag at the rear.

The plane next to it has “Russia” written on its side and the Russian flag on its back. The UAE plane is a C-17A, a plane known to be used in the country’s air force. According to, which tracks aircraft movements around the world, there are only eight C-17As in the UAE fleet, and flight information confirms that one of them was at Washington Dulles International Airport while the Russians and Trump Force One were present.

Andrew Leyden, a freelance journalist based in Washington, D.C., took photos of the planes sitting next to each other at the IAD.

He said he took the photos from a nearby parking lot, a location corroborated by Google Maps data.

Trump's plane is at Dulles, parked next to the Russian embassy staff plane.

— Andrew Leyden (@PenguinSix) June 28, 2024

Leyden said the planes were parked in a secure area called Apron W at IAD. The location is shown on this airport diagram. Apron is the official word for the tarmac or area where the planes park.

“I just thought it was a pretty unique photo of two planes that you rarely see,” Leyden said, referring to Trump's plane sitting next to the Russian plane.

From a plane spotter's perspective, it was just an opportunity to take an interesting photo, Leyden told VERIFY. A plane spotter is someone whose hobby is observing airplanes.

No. This is a very isolated part of the airport between the runways, not far from the terminals or the main airport parking lot.

— Andrew Leyden (@PenguinSix) June 29, 2024

Leyden also posted a video on YouTube on June 28 with footage from the airport. At about 4:40 into the video, Trump's plane and the Russian plane can be seen next to each other.

To confirm that the planes were parked side by side at the airport, VERIFY used FlightRadar, RadarBox, and other flight tracking apps to confirm that the planes were at IAD at the same time between June 27 and June 30. Here is a timeline of the planes’ whereabouts based on available data:

June 27 at 9:55 a.m.: A Russian plane with registration RA-96018 arrives at IAD. June 28 at 12:39 a.m.: Trump arrives at IAD from Atlanta, presumably after the presidential debate. June 28 at 1:58 p.m.: Trump departs IAD for Norfolk International Airport for a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia. June 28 at 6:38 p.m.: Trump departs Norfolk to return to IAD. June 28 at 7:13 p.m.: Trump arrives at IAD. June 28 at 7:43 p.m.: A United Arab Emirates plane with registration UAF1229 arrives at IAD. June 29 at 3:17 p.m.: Russian plane RA-96018 departs IAD. June 30: United Arab Emirates plane UAF1229 departs IAD and lands in Scotland at 10:18 p.m. local time. It takes about seven hours for a commercial jet to fly from IAD to Edinburgh, so we can assume the UAE plane departed sometime before 10am on June 30. June 30 at 6:19pm: Trump departs IAD for Palm Beach International in Florida.

This is not the first time the Russian plane has been spotted at Washington Dulles Airport. On December 22, 2023, Leyden posted this photo.

Leyden told VERIFY that the plane stops at the airport regularly.

VERIFY reached out to the Trump campaign, Washington Dulles International Airport, the Secret Service and the State Department and did not receive comment as of press time.

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