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UK General Election 2024 Results: 5 Key Takeaways | Election News

UK General Election 2024 Results: 5 Key Takeaways | Election News
UK General Election 2024 Results: 5 Key Takeaways | Election News


After 14 years of Conservative rule, the British people handed Keir Starmer's Labour Party nearly two-thirds of the 650-seat British Parliament in a historic general election.

Here are the key takeaways from Thursday's election results:

1. The fall of the Conservative Party

The Conservative Party, led by former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, suffered its worst defeat in history.

The party has lost 250 seats since the last general election in 2019, and this year it has won 121 seats. Eleven Conservative cabinet ministers were voted out in this election.

The Conservatives' vote share has fallen by 20 percentage points since 2019, to just 24%, as supporters have turned en masse to Nigel Farage's far-right Reform UK party.

Prominent Conservatives who lost seats included former prime minister Liz Truss, House of Commons leader Penny Mordaunt and former cabinet minister Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg.

2. As the wind of reform blew, Paraji entered parliament.

The far-right Reform Party of the United Kingdom has gained influence.

For a new party, it won four seats, no small feat, and was backed by 14% of voters, up 12.3 percentage points from the last election when it was known as the Brexit Party.

The party also gained support in several areas where it did not win, coming second in Dover and Deal and third in Folkestone and Hythe, Tunbridge Wells, Dartford and Sevenoaks.

The rise of anti-immigrant far-right groups is a major concern for minority Britons and marginalised communities. Several Reform candidates have been suspended ahead of the election after being found to have made racist comments online.

Meanwhile, this election is a dream come true for Faraj, who has finally made it to the House of Representatives as a member of parliament after eight attempts.

In his constituency of Clacton-on-Sea, he defeated the Conservative incumbent Giles Watling, who had held the seat since 2017, by a wide margin. Farage received 21,225 votes to Watling's 12,820.

Reform UK leader Richard Tice won Boston and Skegness in Lincolnshire, while former Southampton Football Club boss Rupert Lowe took Great Yarmouth from the Conservatives, who had held the seat for the party's 14 years in power.

3. The Labour Party won, but will it be popular?

No one can doubt the Labour victory, given the number of seats they won. The Labour party made significant progress, for example, when Tony Bone won Folkestone and Highsea, which had been held by the Tories since 1950. London and Westminster went to Labour for the first time.

But the center-left parties' overall vote share rose by less than two percentage points.

Despite winning 64% of the seats, the party received only 34% of the actual vote.

When Jeremy Corbyn led the party in 2019, whose unpopularity was blamed for Labour's defeat, the vote share was only slightly lower at 32%.

Thursday’s election was marred by low turnout: 60% of eligible voters cast their ballots, down from 67% in 2019. That’s the second-lowest turnout in a general election since 1885, when it usually hovers around 65%.

John Curtis, professor of politics at the University of Strathclyde, told the BBC that in many ways it looked more like an election lost by the Conservatives than one won by Labour.

4. Pro-Palestinian Independence Party challenges the regime. Five win, but Galloway loses.

As Israel's war in Gaza becomes a key issue for British voters, five independent, Palestinian-backed MPs have won seats.

Corbyn won Islington North as an independent candidate. Shawkat Adam in Leicester South, Ayub Khan in Birmingham Perry Barr, Adnan Hussain in Blackburn and Iqbal Mohammed in Dewsbury and Batley all won seats.

“This is for the people of Gaza,” Adam said after being announced as the winner.

All of these candidates defeated sitting Labour MPs.

Neither the Conservatives nor Labour have called for an immediate ceasefire. Both have supported what they call Israel's right to self-defense, causing discontent among Palestinian supporters and Muslim voters.

Meanwhile, left-wing Labour leader George Galloway lost his Rochdale seat in a February by-election after campaigning against the war. He was defeated by Labour's Paul Waugh.

5. The Liberal Democratic Party prepares for a comeback

Ed Davey's centre-left Liberal Democrats won a whopping 71 seats, 63 more than in 2019.

The Liberal Democrats have been in decline since 2010, when they formed a coalition with the Conservatives that allowed the Conservatives to form a government but failed to win a majority of seats. But this year, voters appear to be backing the Liberal Democrats.

The party won several key seats, including Chichester, previously held by Conservative Education Secretary Gillian Keegan. The Liberal Democrat Jess Brown-Fuller won the seat with a majority of 12,146 votes.

The party also took the Lewes seat with a nominal gain from the Conservatives after the boundary changes. James MacCleary won with 50.6% of the vote, taking the seat from former Conservative Health Secretary Maria Caulfield, who had just 26.8%.

All eyes are now on Starmer, but so are the opposition. The Conservatives are not used to being in the shadows and now have a new opponent to deal with.




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