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Donald Trump Says Republicans' 2025 Plan Has Nothing to Do With Him: 'It's Horrible'

Donald Trump Says Republicans' 2025 Plan Has Nothing to Do With Him: 'It's Horrible'


Donald Trump was quick to distance himself from the Republicans' controversial Plan 2025 on Friday, calling parts of the bill ridiculous and abominable.

The former president used his Truth Social platform to disavow the Heritage Foundation’s platform, which offers a 900-page outline of how the conservative movement’s most powerful think tank wants him to govern. He did so three days after the man who wrote it told Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast: “We are in the midst of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

Among the most controversial and potentially costly measures in Project 2025 are restricting access to contraception, using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to increase oversight of abortions, and revoking a Defense Department policy that funds abortion travel. The plan calls the package “restoring the family as the centerpiece of American life.”

But Trump wrote on his platform: “I don’t know anything about Project 2025. I have no idea who’s behind it. I don’t agree with some of the things they say and some of the things they say are absolutely ridiculous and appalling. Whatever they do, I wish them well, but I have nothing to do with them.”

This is how Trump used his social media platform to disavow the 900-page manifesto written for him by the Heritage Foundation, which contains extreme anti-abortion measures.

Social Truth/Daily Beast

The move suggests that Trump advisers worry that Democrats may have injected Project 2025 into the public consciousness and associated Trump with his most radical ideas at a time when Republicans should be at the forefront. Trump has enjoyed a boost in the polls from Joe Biden’s presidential crisis caused by his faltering debate performance, but some in his campaign worry that a focus on abortion policy could give Democrats a powerful weapon.

The push to throw the 2025 project overboard fits with Trump’s recent rhetoric on abortion, in which he has tried to navigate the fundamentalist anti-abortion stance of his base with the reality of broad popular support for pro-choice policies. On Tuesday, the Trump campaign notably released a version of its plans for the party’s platform at this month’s Republican National Convention that made no mention of abortion. At the same time, Trump has tried to pretend that everyone wants Roe v. Wade overturned and abortion policies reinstated in the states. And his promise of a clear abortion policy has been months in the making; it was expected Monday morning, for example, according to a Sunday, April 8, article on Truth Social.

The 2025 Project was created by Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, who was lambasted this week by MSNBC’s Joe Reid for his veiled threat of mass murder. “He’ll be at a country club somewhere, playing golf, while the real violent guys, the people with guns, the Proud Boys, do the dirty work,” she said on her show, The Reid Out.

Kevin Roberts, president of the conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, developed Project 2025. Today, Trump claims to know neither Roberts nor his think tank, while the Republican is quick to disavow the far-right manifesto.


Other aspects of Project 2025 include allowing Trump and his aides to fire tens of thousands of government workers by ending their protection from political interference. The idea is based on the idea that a deep state is trying to prevent Republicans from implementing their policies, but it would then allow Trumpworld to place its supporters in government positions.

Trump’s claim that he knows nothing about the people who put together Project 2025 echoes his long history of denying knowledge of people with whom association could be harmful. Among those he has denied knowing are white supremacist David Duke; the Proud Boys; anti-Trumpist George Conway, whose wife Kellyanne was his campaign manager; imprisoned 2016 campaign aide George Papadopoulos, whom he had previously called excellent; and, most expensive of all, E. Jean Carroll. Although he was convicted of sexually assaulting her by a New York jury, he has continued to claim not to know the former columnist, whom he was ordered to pay $83.3 million in damages for defamation in addition to $5 million for the sexual assault.




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