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'Keep calm and sleep well': PM Narendra Modi to athletes heading to Paris | Olympics News

'Keep calm and sleep well': PM Narendra Modi to athletes heading to Paris | Olympics News
'Keep calm and sleep well': PM Narendra Modi to athletes heading to Paris | Olympics News


Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with Indian athletes who will represent the country at the upcoming Paris Olympics. Photo: PTI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with Indian athletes who will represent the country at the upcoming Paris Olympics (Photo: PTI)

Neeraj Chopra shared his fitness concerns, PV Sindhu spoke about the importance of self-confidence and Nikhat Zareen could barely hide his excitement about being a first-time Olympian during a light-hearted interaction with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who advised the Paris-bound group to stay calm and sleep well for best results.

The interaction, which took place on Thursday, also saw the men's hockey team and the 21-strong shooting contingent in person, while others including Chopra, Sindhu and Zareen joined online from their respective training bases abroad.

Chopra, who has been struggling with adductor pain for several months, said he wanted to arrive in Paris “in top shape” to defend his Olympic gold medal in the javelin throw.

“We are currently training in Germany and everything is going very well. This time I am competing less because I am suffering from injuries from time to time. But now it is much better. A few days ago I competed in Finland and it was quite good,” Chopra told the prime minister, referring to his best result at the Paavo Nurmi Games last month.

“We have a month before the Olympics and I'm trying to arrive in Paris in good shape and give 100% for my country,” he added.

“The Olympic Games will take place in four years and I would like to say to all athletes that they have this chance once every four years and we must try to find what can push us to give the best of ourselves.”

Be Fearless: Chopra Advises Athletes

Chopra advised his fellow athletes heading to Paris to be courageous at the world's biggest sporting competition.

“Tokyo was my first Olympic Games and in my first Olympic Games the result was pretty good, I won gold for my country. I had no fear and I had confidence in myself because I had done good training,” he said.

“I would say to all athletes not to fear anything or anyone. We don't have to fear the Europeans or the Americans because they are also human beings like us.

“If we can recognize ourselves, we have been living outside our homes for a long time and we train hard, so nothing is impossible.”

Mom Promises Homemade Churma to PM Modi

After returning from the Tokyo Olympics, Chopra had promised Modi to prepare homemade Churma (a sweet treat popular in Haryana) during his meeting with him, but Modi reminded the dashing javelin thrower that he had not yet kept his word.

“I will bring you churma this time. Last time in Delhi, I bought churma made with sugar, but I will bring churma with desi ghee and gur (jaggery) from Haryana (this time),” Chopra replied.

To this, Modi replied: “No, I want to eat churma prepared at home by your mother.”

Sleep well and stay focused, says Modi

Stressing that winning and losing are part of any sport, Modi advised the athletes heading to Paris to remain calm and never compromise their sleep schedule due to competition-related anxiety.

“Don't get distracted by the magnitude of the Olympics because it might make you lose your focus. We have to have faith in our talent, focus on it and it will yield results,” Modi said in his speech.

“Whether you get medals or not, there is no problem, just give your 100 percent, that's what's important.”

Modi also stressed the need to give the body adequate rest.

“In the world of sport, practice and consistency are important, but the same level of importance must also be given to sleep. Good sleep is very important for sport or any other field.

“It is important to sleep without stress, do not compromise on your sleep. We have tried to provide you with the best facilities, we have tried to give you all the comforts.”

Wishing the contingent the best, Modi also promised to invite Olympic athletes to this year's Independence Day programme.

“I wish you all the best. I will try to invite you all to the Independence Day programme at the Red Fort after you return from Paris.”

Confident Athletes

Double Olympic medallist Sindhu is aiming for a hat-trick in Paris, but her only desire is to change the colour of her medal.

“These are my third Olympic Games, in 2016 I won silver, in Tokyo it was bronze but this time I hope to change the colour of the medal.

“Obviously I have enough experience, but it will not be easy, but I will try my best,” she said during her interaction with the Prime Minister.

Boxer Zareen, a double gold medallist at the world championship (women's 50kg), also wants to live up to her reputation at her first Olympic Games.

“I am excited but at the same time focused because the whole nation expects things from me. I want to live up to their expectations and make the country proud and come back,” she said.

The Indian men's hockey team, which won a bronze medal in Tokyo, is also expecting another podium finish.

“It was a proud moment for us as the history of hockey in our country is significant. We are giving our best, working hard and hope to bring home a medal,” said captain Harmanpreet.

First published: July 5, 2024 | 10:15 p.m. EAST




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