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Keir Starmer enters Downing Street as UK Prime Minister after historic victory

Keir Starmer enters Downing Street as UK Prime Minister after historic victory


Sir Keir Starmer has entered Downing Street as Britain's new Prime Minister following a historic Labour landslide victory in the general election, and has appointed Rachel Reeves as the country's first female Chancellor of the Exchequer.

On a night when political drama was at its peak, Starmer, whose party had won a majority of more than 170 seats, told flag-waving supporters outside Number 10 that he wanted to restore trust between the public and politicians.

He said this wound, this lack of trust, could only be healed by actions, not words, and promised to prioritize economic growth. An announcement is expected soon to liberalize planning and encourage housing construction.

Reeves said he plans to run the most growth-oriented Treasury in our country's history, and he hopes the department will provide stability and play a big role in a new era of industrial strategy for officials.

Starmer, the seventh Labour leader to be sworn in as prime minister, arrived at Number 10 on Friday afternoon and immediately began forming a government.

Reeves will be part of Starmer's inner quartet of senior ministers, which also includes Deputy First Minister Angela Rayner and Chancellor of the Exchequer Pat McFadden.

David Lammy was confirmed as Foreign Secretary, Yvette Cooper as Home Secretary, Jonathan Reynolds as Trade Secretary and John Healy as Defence Secretary. Most of Starmer's cabinet members were on the same page in the opposition.

Labour’s election victory is a triumph for Starmer, a former chief prosecutor who became party leader after the party’s worst election defeat since 2020. His victory is comparable in scale to Sir Tony Blair’s 1997 Labour landslide.

By Friday afternoon, Labour had won 411 seats, with only two constituencies to declare. The result came largely at the expense of Rishi Sunak's Conservatives, who suffered their worst defeat in the party's history.

Nigel Farage's Reform UK has swallowed up the Conservatives' votes, leaving them with just 121 seats. Labour would have won a majority with 34% of the vote, their lowest ever.

The election result is a historic victory for Labour since Blair came to power in 2005, but Starmer will become Britain's new prime minister after finding his party's popular support to be weak.

Pre-election polls had Labour ahead by 20 points. Former left-wing Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn lost the 2017 election, winning 40% of the vote.

Keir Starmer travelled to Buckingham Palace and was invited by Charles I to form a government. Yui Mok/PA Wire

But Starmers's pro-business agenda appears to be working, with housebuilding companies leading the UK stock market rally on Friday, as Labour pledged to build 1.5 million homes over the next five years.

Labour won many seats as a result of the rise of Reform UK, which split the right-wing vote and punished the Conservatives under Britain's electoral system.

One of the victims was former Prime Minister Liz Truss, who lost many of the Conservative Party’s most prominent figures. Her 49-day term as Prime Minister and the resulting economic chaos contributed to the collapse of the Conservative Party.

Pollster Sir John Curtis told the BBC that this election looked more like a loss for the Conservatives than a win for Labour.

Sunak announced his intention to step down as prime minister in a speech from Downing Street on Friday, adding that he would step down as Conservative leader once the process of selecting a successor began.

“I want to say to the country, first of all, I'm sorry,” he said. “I've done everything I can to make this happen, but you have sent a clear signal that the British government needs to change.”

“I have heard your anger and disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss,” he added.

Voter turnout is expected to be a historic low of around 60%, suggesting the general public is dissatisfied with mainstream politics.

Starmer acknowledged the immediate challenge of reconnecting mainstream politics with voters. He said the fight for trust was the defining fight of our time.

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With almost all the results in, Labour won 34% of the vote, the Conservatives 24%, the Reform Party 14% and the Liberal Democrats 12%. Labour won 411 seats, the Conservatives 121, the Liberal Democrats 71 and the Reform Party 5.

The centrist Liberal Democrats broke the current record of 62 seats in 2005, making big gains in the Conservatives' blue wall of wealthy seats in the south of England.

The Scottish National Party is expected to win 10 seats in Scotland, trailing Labour, dealing a major blow to the party's dreams of achieving independence.

Key Tory casualties on the night the party was devastated included Defence Secretary Grant Shapps, House of Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt, Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, former Cabinet Office minister Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg and Justice Secretary Alex Caulk.

Corbyn retained his seat as an independent in Islington North, while Rochdale's left-wing pro-Palestinian MP George Galloway lost his seat to Labour.

But Labour lost five seats to Palestinian-backed independents, including one held by shadow cabinet member Jonathan Ashworth, showing that Starmer's stance on the Israel-Hamas war has had a negative impact on Labour among many Muslim voters.

The Greens have won all four seats they targeted in the general election, quadrupling the number of MPs they will send to Westminster.

Labour’s victory bucked global political trends, with far-right parties making strong gains in recent European Union and French elections and Donald Trump leading in the polls for the US presidency.

The Conservatives' total of 121 seats is below their worst performance in 1906, when they won 156 seats. Starmer's forecast is closer to the 418 seats Blair won in his 1997 landslide.




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